Басты бет » Материалдар » 930:929 The study of heritage Ahmet Baitursynov and his adherents in the period of independence of Kazakhstan

Ahmetzhanova A.T., Sarybayev M.S., Ph.D., associate professor of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

930:929 The study of heritage Ahmet Baitursynov and his adherents in the period of independence of Kazakhstan

«edu.e-history.kz» электрондық ғылыми журналы № 2 (10)

Тегтер: Казахстан., независимый, народ, интеллигенция, Алаш, наследие, духовное, ученый, педагог, казахский
Статья посвящена вопросам изучения в независимом Казахстане богатейшего наследия выдающегося деятеля начала ХХ века Ахмета Байтурсынова и его соратников. Они всю свою жизнь посвятили борьбе за духовное возрождение родного народа. Авторы попытались раскрыть огромный научный интерес ученых Республики Казахстан к исследованию жизни, деятельности и всеохватывающего наследия Ахмета Байтурсынова и его единомышленников. Авторы подчеркивают значимость роли алашской интеллигенции в культурном развитии казахского общества в конце ХІХ – начале ХХ века и благодарность подрастающего поколения ХХІ века их труду на благо будущего своей страны. Также - прекрасную мысль и веру ученого и педагога А. Байтурсынова в силу и возможности тех, кто хотел учиться и трудиться в сфере образования и науки. В статье говорится о необходимости неустанного изучения и осмысления деятельности казахской интеллигенции в области просвещения, образования, науки и культуры, использовании их наследия в учебном и воспитательном процессах в школах и вузах республики.

2017 – is a significant year, 100 year for Alash movement. Remembering the remarkable representatives of Alash intellectuals of the early twentieth century, we respectfully and proudly write about each of them, knowing that they have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Kazakh society. As it known, the innovations of the Russian Empire in the nineteenth - early twentieth century led to the impoverishment of the people of the border regions, and cultural development to a standstill. Therefore Baitursynov Ahmet and his supporters fought for the spiritual renewal of the native people. If Alikhan Bukeikhanov – is an outstanding figure of the Kazakh people, the Kazakhs considered him as a political leader, Ahmet Baitursynov is no less well-known personality as - spiritual leader. Therefore, in his article, we attempted to reveal the issue of studying in the independent Kazakhstan, Heritage of  Baitursynov Ahmet and his associates.

Ahmet Baitursynov - state and public figure, educator, teacher, poet, essayist, scholar, a patriot. The legacy of him is wide-ranging and immense. In our view, there is everything that is associated with his name. His life and work, covering all aspects of the livelihoods of the Kazakh people, comprehensive works, thoughts, ideas and opinions. Scientists of independent Kazakhstan comprehensively  research his works, and the younger generation  studies Ahmet Baitursynov. He - is a phenomenon of the twentieth century, therefore, there is a genuine interest in all  Kazakhstan to the figure of Baitursinov.

In Kazakhstan, everyone knows Ahmet Baitursynov and other members of alashorda movement. Currently the works of them published: Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Myrzhakyp Dulatov, Mustafa Shokai, Zhusupbek Aimauytov, Sanjar Asfendiyarov, Magzhan Zhumabaev, Mukhametzhan Tynyshpayev [1], and others implemented by the state program "Cultural Heritage" and "Alash heritage". Published: materials of the newspaper "Kazakh" [2], the magazine "Aykap" [3], a multi-volume collection of documents and materials of "Alash kozgalysy. Kuzhattar men materialdary zhinagy. Alash movement. Collection of documents and materials («Алашқозғалысы. Құжаттар мен материалдар жинағы. Движение Алаш. Сборник документов  и материалов»)"[4], Fotoalbum “Alashorda” [5]. Light materials of scientific conferences devoted to 90 th - anniversary of Alash carried out and [6], published in the scientific, journalistic, artistic works, telling about their lives and work for the good of the state and the Kazakh society [7].

Scientific - research center "Alashtanu" was formed at the Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University. The results of his activities may presented in the publication in 2010, in the first series of scientific meetings "Alashtanu Maseleleri" [8] and the cultural-cognitive encyclopedia "Alash" [9]. Center of Ahmet Baitursynov opened in the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, in the university archive there are documents about his research and teaching activities. Almaty is a place of fruitful work of historical research center "Alash". In Astana –  those researchers dealing with problems of Alashorda (алашеведы) teamed in the Institute of Culture and Spiritual Development of "Alash". The main objective of these scientific and research centers: a study of national history, the study and introduction of the heritage of Alash prominent figures in textbooks, manuals, methodical, holding large-scale events for agitation and propaganda of their life, the publication of original works of Alash scientists in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. Defending PhD thesis’ on the study of creativity of Ahmet Baitursynov (philology, pedagogy, history, philosophy) [10].

Interest in life, work and legacy of «Alash» intellectuals demonstrate the artists of Cinematography. In 2004 and 2009, documentary films have been created: "Alash turaly soz" and "Alashorda". Attention is accented on the audience of Kazakhstan statehood issues in the period of the control of the Russian and Soviet empires. Ahmet Baitursynov and his colleagues have created a highly gifted territorial and national autonomy "Alash" with a single: territory, people, culture, history and language. Mustafa Shokai - tried to form Turkestan (Kokand) autonomy unified Turkic world.

There was a big role of  A. Baitursynov in preserving the territory designation in  KazASSR - autonomy in the Soviet platform. He is rightly called the "collector of Kazakh Lands".

In the cities of Almaty and Kostanay there are museums of Ahmet Baitursynov, and in the village called Turgay (Kostanay Region) - Ahmet Baitursynov and Myrzhakyp Dulatova. We study the subject "Alashtanu". In 2017, It is planned to make to the state list of historical and cultural monuments of national significance, the building of the museum-house of Ahmet Baitursynov in Almaty, release ten-scientific heritage of the scientist. In the future, transfer the house-museum A.Baitursynov into public ownership and to create on its basis, scientific, educational and educational center.

 Name of Ahmet Baitursynov is given schools, universities, parks, streets, Institute of Linguistics. Conducted annually Baytursynov reading, historical evenings, competitions of knowledge, festivals. A.Baitursynov devoted to one issue of "Anyz adam» (№11, December 2010). And most importantly - published works of Ahmet Baitursynov.

All this provides an excellent opportunity for learning and understanding the activities of Kazakh intellectuals in the field of education,  science, culture, politics and economy. And what is important, the use of their heritage in teaching and educational process in schools and universities.

 Among the many rich spiritual heritage A.Baitursynov occupy a special place of research devoted to the problems of language and literature, the ideas for the modernization of the Kazakh language and literature. Ahmet Baitursynov - author of the first textbooks for teaching in the mother tongue: "Oku қuraly", "Til қuraly", "Alіpbi", "Zhana alіppe", "Sauat ashkysh", "Madeniet Tarihy", "adebiet tanytkysh" and methodical manual "Bayanshy ". He is the founder of Kazakh linguistics, researcher of the Kazakh oral literature ("23 zhoktau" "Er Sayin '). Reformer of Kazakh graphics based on the Arabic. Until now, Kazakhs far abroad enjoy his letter. Ahmet Baitursynov - known as a scientist-Turkologist, an active participant in the first congress of All-Union turkologists in Baku (1926), proposed a system of translation principles and implementation of the international terms in the Kazakh language.

 As the proof that the language issues are central to the strategic objectives of the state scale, we can recall the message of the President of our Republic Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan in 2012. He said: "We need to modernize the Kazakh language. We have to do a modern language, to seek consensus on matters of terminology, once and for all solve the problem of translation into Kazakh established international and foreign words. This question should not solve the circle separate figures ... There are equally received worldwide terms, they enrich any language"[11].

 In the extant winged words, Ahmet Baitursynov able to convey your thoughts, ideas, thoughts and concerns for the fate of the Kazakh people. For example: "Balam deityn zhurt bolmasa, zhurtym deytіn bala қaydan shyksyn?!", "Bala bastauysh mektepte bar pandі tek ana tіlіnde gana okuy kerek," "Til adamnyn adamdyk belgіsіnіn zory, zhumsaityn karuynyң bіrі", "Oz tіlіmen soylesken, oz tіlіmen zhazgan zhurttyn ulttygy esh uakytta adamy қurymai zhogalmaidy "," Oku zhumysynyn ush zhagy ush narsege tіreledі: bіrі akshaga, bіrі қuralga, bіrі mugalіmge. Osy ush tіreuі bіrdei ten bolsa, oku kisaymay, auytkymay, tuzu zhuredі "," Bіzde tіlіmіz buzylmay saktaluyn tіlesek, ozgelershe auelі oz tіlіmіzben okytyp sonan son baskasha okytu tiіs "," Zhastardyn oku-tarbie zhumysy tuzelmey, zhurt іsі tuzelmeydі "," Til adamnyn adamdyk belgіsіnіn zory, zhumsaytyn karuynyn bіrі "and many others.

It is very important that Ahmet Baitursynov had actively participated in on all important issues of the society. This is confirmed by many documents. For example, materials known Karkaralinsk petition (June 1905), according to scientists, A.Baytursynov is one of the authors of the petition. Speaking in general it is written about the pressing issues of the Kazakh people, well-known figures of science and culture wrote on the limitation of the tsarist government, the possibility of Kazakh children entering grammar school for higher education, the necessity of granting scholarships, at the opening of the boarding gymnasiums. At the same time, they emphasized that "... the demand from the Kyrgyz population in education is huge, as evidenced by the mass of Kyrgyz children enrolled in urban schools at their own expense, in spite of the heavy burden of expense for Kyrgyz livestock farming" [12].

As a solution to the problem they suggested: "the assumption in the aul Kyrgyz schools to teach reading and writing, teaching in these schools, the language of children and compulsory study of the state language." It is also necessary to restore the abolished Boarding and board at the Omsk gymnasium and open a boarding school for Kyrgyz children at the Semipalatinsk gymnasium. Enlarge existing scholarships for admission to professional schools and higher education institutions ", and the necessary amount for the costs recovered from the Zemsky capital" Kirghiz Semipalatinsk region has reached 80,000 rubles, and at the disposal of local authorities "[12].

Hence it is clear that the authors of the petition Karkaralinsk called for Kazakh children receive education, pointing to a huge desire to learn and their unwillingness to imperial administration to create the conditions. Many issues relating to education, science, the development of the Kazakh language is not lost its relevance today. For example, the President of Kazakhstan in his Message to the people of Kazakhstan stressed that: "Responsible language policy is one of the main consolidating factors of the Kazakh nation. Kazakh language - is our spiritual core. Our goal - to develop it, using actively in all spheres. We must leave a legacy to our descendants as a modern language in which the experience of many generations of our ancestors would be added harmoniously and our trail. This problem, which has to decide on their own every self-respecting man. The State, for its part, is doing a lot to strengthen the position of the state language ". [11]

Significant place in the petition was given to religious issues and indicate ways to address them. According to the authors, the spiritual revival of the indigenous population is unthinkable without the Muslim education and training is closely related to the culture, history, language, faith and national traditions.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to the Agency for Religious Affairs of Kazakhstan, "in the spiritual life of Kazakhstan society ... it is an active process of religious revival. The population of Kazakhstan has never been prone to fanatical faith, rather it different religious tolerance. The process of spiritual revival and the rise of religious consciousness takes place in an atmosphere of unity, peace and harmony of all religions". [13] That is, statements progressive leaders on the development of the mother tongue, religion and Muslim education, writing were developed in independent Kazakhstan.

Ahmet Baitursynov and his colleagues are the authors of the idea that "to protect the rights and interests of the Kyrgyz people of his deputies is necessary to participate in the ... legislature". [12] The independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan led to the formation of a bicameral Parliament, the work of deputies that will help the President and the government to solve the problems of students and young workers, which "is sure to become competitive if it is hard to learn, gain new knowledge, thus to learn and engage in self-development continuously for life " [14]. These achievements of our country, we can consider a dream come true and Ahmet Baitursynov Alash intelligentsia.

A lot of material from the spiritual heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov we can find in his scientific and journalistic articles, manuals and textbooks. It is known that in uniting the galaxy of outstanding people of the early twentieth century, has played a huge role "Kazakh" newspaper (1913-1918), which covered all the problems of the Kazakh society of that time. Everyone knows that Ahmet Baitursynov was an editor in chief of the famous newspaper. By definition  of A.Baitursynov the newspaper for the people is like the "eyes, ears, heart and soul" [15].

A. Baitursynov and his associates published in the pages of "Kazakh" their literary works, research on the history and culture of the Kazakh people, articles, promoting freedom and the idea of ​​revealing the problems of education, upbringing, education and health of the entire population. For example: "Zhazu maselesі", "Til қural", "Kyryk mysal", "Bilim zharysy", "Bas kosu", "Egіn egu", "Auru zhaiynan" (A. Baitursynov), "Rukhani madeniet karaulynan", "Bez auruy "," Ashyk khat "," Kara kypshak Kobylandy "(A. Bukeikhanov)," Oyan, kazak "," Zhazu zhondeu "," Elіmay "," Shakіrt "," Okushylarga zhardem "(M. Dulatov)," Tamyr darі kakynda "," Zhukpaly auru" (H. Dosmukhamedov) and others. All publications in the newspaper "Kazakh" were exposed to the idea of ​​independence of the Kazakh people, which was unthinkable without the rise of the cultural status of the population. Therefore Alash intellectuals called on all his readers to "... by all means, seek education and general culture; for this ... first of all deal with the development of literature in the native language "[15].

Currently, reserachers of Baitursinov legacy found new works of an outstanding personality. They are "Yzyn", "Au, kazak", "Azamatka", "Boryshtymyn", "Tugan zher", "Obaly kіmge?", "Pakyrdyn olenі", "Zarykkanda kylgan bata" and others, stored in a rare fund of the National Library Almaty. We believe that the creative research scientists will be successfully continued.

For the thinking members of society are close and clear the reflection on the problems and prospects of development of Kazakh culture, designated leaders of Alash movement in another document, "Draft program of the party Alash", published November 21, 1917 in the newspaper "Kazakh", presented for the number 251. Among the authors and Ahmet Baitursynov. Particular attention is paid to the ninth chapter, which clearly defined that "the doors of educational institutions are open to all and free education; compulsory education applies to all. In elementary schools teaching in the mother tongue; Kazakhs create high schools and universities in their own language; the education system is independent in the form of autonomy: the authorities do not intervene in the case of education; Teachers and professors are appointed on a competitive basis; among the people open the library "[16].

A careful study of all sections of the program leads to the idea that the Alash ideas were progressive, fixed on the unity, freedom and independence. And it's true the head of our state, Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan: "Mandate" Alash "for us - to preserve their historical and cultural heritage, the mandate" Alash "safeguard and strengthen compliance. So we have to respect and appreciate the people who fought for freedom and independence of Kazakhstan. People have died for the idea, but they have awakened in us the desire for independence. Happiness is finding it fell to our generation" [17].

Ahmet Baitursynov - educator and scientist, sincerely believed in the power and possibilities of those who wanted to study and work in the field of education and science. Therefore, speaking at the opening of the first university in Kazakhstan, ardently he desired that the university was able to live up to its name and value. This momentous event occurred in 1928. Ahmet Baitursynov spoke at the opening of the Kazakh State University (now - Abai KazNPU) at the invitation of Oraz Zhandosov - Commissioner of Education. In his speech, he stressed that "University - the creation of a higher culture, and higher culture is the sum of the maximum comprehension of humanity in relation to science and technology." Since "the power and wealth of the people is the amount of scientific and practical knowledge, which he has," the comprehension of his "there is a profound need for life" [18]. The opening of the university, in its opinion, makes it possible, firstly, to study the Kazakh youth, and help your people to take up the higher culture; secondly, to achieve equality and equity, enhancing the cultural state - the key to development of any nation; Thirdly, it will be "the first hotbed of highly qualified workers in Kazakhstan" [18]. Unfortunately, expectations were not realized A. Baitursynov. The first university in the 1932/33 academic year, was transformed into the Pedagogical Institute, and only in 1934 opened as a new Kazakh State University, the current Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Confirmation of beautiful thoughts of Ahmet Baitursynov about the importance of universities in society is the fact that many of Alash figures were graduates of prestigious universities and institutes of Russia: Alikhan Bukeikhanov - St. Petersburg Imperial Forestry Institute, Sanzhar Asfendiyarov and Halel Dosmukhamedov - St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy , Mukhametzhan Tynyshpaev - St. Peterburskogo Institute of railway transport named after Emperor Alexander I, Mustafa Shokai and Zhakyp Akpan -  St. Petersburg University, Zhansha Dosmukhamedov - University of Tartu and others. Also important was the fact that representatives of Alash intellectuals worked as teachers in schools and lecturers in higher education institutions (Ahmet Baitursynov, Myrzhakyp Dulatov Magzhan Zhumabaev, Telzhan Shonanov, Eldes Omarov). Recent (T.Shonanov, E.Omarov) worked at the university since its foundation up to the repressive thirties. Many erudite personalities were Commissar of Education, rectors of universities, research assistants (Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Ahmet Baitursynov, Sanzhar Asfendiyarov and others). They - the authors of textbooks and manuals, practical guides for teachers: "Alіppe", "Til қural", "Bayanshy", "Adebiet tanytkysh" (Ahmet Baitursynov), "Essays on the history of Kazakhstan." (Manual for teachers), "History of Kazakhstan" (Sanzhar Asfendiyarov). "Pedagogy" (Magzhan Zhumabayev) "Didactics", "Psychology" (Zhusypbek Aymauytov). "Til damytu", "Zhana alіppe", "Self-teacher the Kyrgyz language to Russian" (Telzhan Shonanov).

No one doubts the fact that they were all versatile personality: state and public figures, both writers, poets, scholars, teachers, translators, reformers. How very true scientist said - Mambet Koygeldiev, people "freely and boldly-minded, independent-minded" [19]. Ahmet Baitursynov and his supporters are an example to follow, because they - a storehouse of thoughts, ideas and opinions. Studying them can learn the good and justice, loyalty and duty, to understand the meaning of honor and conscience, study and work, build their life position, to improve, to dream, to hope and to carry out ambitious plans for the future of his people. This is confirmed by our state - the Republic of Kazakhstan. Prospects for the development of independent Kazakhstan are marked in the "Strategy - 2050" and in the subsequent epistles President of Kazakhstan.

Our task - to keep the memory of it, of Alash intellectuals know the history of Alash movement, their ideas,  to study a multi-faceted heritage known progressive people of the Kazakh people. But a lot remains to be done, as Ahmet Baitursynov very bright personality and his works and life of many unexplored. How to write one of his admirers: "He is a huge boulder - an iceberg, much of which is still under water, invisible, and therefore unknowable" [20]. Waiting for his thoughtful researchers sad fate wife Ahmet Baitursynov Badrisafy Mukhamed-Sadykkyzy. A good thing would be a translation of the works of the famous scientist, a talented poet, researcher of Kazakh folklore, language and literature in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world. Heritage Ahmet Baitursynov rightly refers to a part of world culture, and it must be accessible to all mankind. We believe that such a day will come and. After all, he was a true patriot, passionately fond of the Kazakh people and all members of “Alashorda movement”  believed in his competitiveness, outstanding natural ability and talent. Alash intellectuals wanted to see the Kazakh state among civilized European countries. The head of the state N.A. Nazarbayev "Currently, "the Kazakhstan - a young multi-ethnic state, confident in its future, dynamically developing country! We have passed the 25-year-old path of development. In the next 25 years we expect even higher frontiers. We will turn Kazakhstan into a more prosperous country for our descendants! "[21]. This year highlights the importance of studying and actualization of the creative heritage of members of “Alashorda movement” as part of the 100th anniversary of Alash movement and raises the issue of the unity of the history of Alash movement and the modern history of our independent state.


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21 PoslanïePrezïdentaRespwblïkï Kazaxstan – LïderaNacïï N.A. NazarbaevanarodwKazaxstana. Tretya modernïzacïya Kazaxstana: globalnaya konkwrentosposobnost. 30 yanvarya 2017 goda. Kazaxstanskaya pravda, 31 yanvarya 2017 goda.

Мақалада  ХХ ғ. басындағы аса көрнектіқайраткер Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы және оның әріптестерінің бай мұрасының тәуелсіз Қазақстанда зерттелу мәселесі қарастырылады. Олар қазақ халқының рухани жаңғыртуы үшін күрескен белгілі тұлғалар. Авторлар Қазақстан Республикасы ғалымдарының Ахмет Байтұрсынұлы мен басқа да Алаш зиялыларының  өмірі, қызметі мен барша мұрасын зерттеуге үлкен ғылыми қызығушылық танытып отырғанын ашуға тырысқан. 

Авторлар ХІХ ғасыр соңы – ХХ ғасырдың басындағы алаш зиялыларының  қазақ қоғамының мәдени дамуындағы рөлінің маңыздылығы мен ХХІ ғасырдағы жасөспірімдердің мемлекеттің болашағы үшін еңбек еткен тұлғаларға алғысы ерекше деген пікір айтады. А. Байтұрсын педагог және ғалым ретінде, оқу, білім мен ғылым айналасында еңбек етуге ұмтылған азаматтарға шын жүрегімен сенген ойы көрсетілген. Мақалада әрқашан қазақ зиялыларының ағарту, білім, ғылым және мәдениет салаларындағы жасаған кең байтақ еңбектерін зерттеп, мәнін түсінумен қатар, Республиканың әр мектептерінде, жоғары оқу орындарында мұраларын оқу, тәрбие ісінде пайдалану қажеттілігі айтылады.

Түйін сөздер: зиялылар, алаш, рухани мұра, ғалым, педагог, қазақ халқы, тәуелсіз Қазақстан.

Статья посвящена вопросам изучения в независимом Казахстане богатейшего наследия выдающегося деятеля начала ХХ века Ахмета Байтурсынова и его соратников. Они всю свою жизнь посвятили борьбе за духовное возрождение родного народа.  Авторы попытались раскрыть огромный научный интерес ученых Республики Казахстан к исследованию жизни, деятельности и всеохватывающего наследия  Ахмета Байтурсынова и его единомышленников.

Авторы подчеркивают  значимость роли алашской интеллигенции в культурном развитии казахского общества в конце ХІХ – начале ХХ века и благодарность подрастающего поколения ХХІ века их труду на благо будущего своей страны. Также - прекрасную мысль и веру ученого и педагога А. Байтурсынова в силу и возможности тех, кто хотел учиться и трудиться в сфере образования и науки. В статье говорится о необходимости неустанного изучения и осмысления деятельности казахской интеллигенции в области просвещения, образования, науки и культуры, использовании их наследия в учебном и воспитательном процессах в школах и вузах республики.

Ключевые слова: интеллигенция, алаш, духовное наследие, ученый, педагог,  казахский народ, независимый Казахстан. 

Пікір жоқ

Пікір қалдыру үшін кіріңіз немесе тіркеліңіз

Қаралуы: 7732

Рецензиялар жоқ


Ахметжанова А.Т., Сарыбаев М.С. Статья.doc 0.08 MB


Пәнаралық зерттеулер Әдістемелік еңбектер Макро- және микротарих Отан тарихы. Зерттеудің жаңа әдістері Жас ғалымдар зерттеулері Сын. Пікір

Тақырып бойынша мақалалар

УДК94 (574) «1941-1945» КАЗАХСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМ. С.М. КИРОВА В ГОДЫ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЫ ӘОЖ 001(574)(092) САҢЛАҚ ҒАЛЫМНЫҢ МҰРАСЫ: САНЖАР АСФЕНДИАРОВТЫҢ ШЫҒАРМАЛАР ЖИНАҒЫ ТУРАЛЫ ӘОЖ 001(574)(092) САҢЛАҚ ҒАЛЫМНЫҢ МҰРАСЫ: САНЖАР АСФЕНДИАРОВТЫҢ ШЫҒАРМАЛАР ЖИНАҒЫ ТУРАЛЫ УДК 930.2 «1887-1917»+94(574) Отражение истории кочевых народов Центральной Азии в «Трудах» Оренбургской ученой архивной комиссии. Айдархан Турлыбаев – политический лидер алашского движения. 930:929 The study of heritage Ahmet Baitursynov and his adherents in the period of independence of Kazakhstan 930.2 ҚАЛИ БІЛӘЛОВ – ЕЛІМІЗДЕГІ БІЛІМ ІСІНІҢ БІЛГІР ҰЙЫМДАСТЫРУШЫСЫ МРНТИ 03.20.25 ИСТОРИЧЕСКАЯ ФИГУРА КАЗАХСКОГО ХАНА АЗ-ДЖАНИБЕКА (на основе восточных нарративов и генеалогических мифов казахов) МРНТИ 03.20.25 ИСТОРИЧЕСКАЯ ФИГУРА КАЗАХСКОГО ХАНА АЗ-ДЖАНИБЕКА (на основе восточных нарративов и генеалогических мифов казахов) ҒТАМР 03.20:03.09.55 КЕҢЕСТІК БИЛІК ЖҮЙЕСІНДЕГІ ҚАЗАҚСТАННЫҢ ӘКІМШІЛІК-ТЕРРИТОРИЯЛЫҚ МӘСЕЛЕЛЕРІ (ХХ ғ. бас. Солт. Қазақстан өңірі мысалында)

Автордың мақалалары

930:929 The study of heritage Ahmet Baitursynov and his adherents in the period of independence of Kazakhstan