
N.A. Tasilova, Bagzhan Saynova


«edu.e-history.kz» электрондық ғылыми журналы № 1(09)

This article analyzes the source called "Materials Kirghiz (Kazakhs) land use..." of the late XIX - early XX century. Topicality of the theme of investigation is that «Materials on Kyrgyz land using» introduces code of statistical materials which consists of 27 volumes, and it is invaluable source in investigation ethnical history of Kazakh people, peculiarities of Kazakh traditional economy. Informativeness , concentrated in materials is unique. First of all by the scale of covering of all totality of important facts, events, occurrences in the field of history, ethnography studies, geography, toponymy , demography and etc. That’s why nowadays great interest to source study aspect grew in learning given source. The choice of the theme of investigation is explained by its great scientific theoretical significance. It discusses the methodology of research and analysis of the important source of Kazakh history "Materials of Kyrgyz land use ...", proposed methods of research and testing, classification and analysis in accordance with the science of sources and methods of application in specific historical studies. Keywords: source, science of sources, analysis, method, statistics, ethnos, structure.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityCandidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Nazyia Tasylova, master student Bagzhan Saynova


This article analyzes the source called "Materials Kirghiz (Kazakhs) land use..." of the late XIX - early XX century. Topicality of the theme of  investigation is that «Materials on Kyrgyz land using» introduces code of statistical materials  which consists of  27 volumes, and it is invaluable source in investigation ethnical history of Kazakh people, peculiarities of Kazakh traditional economy.

Informativeness , concentrated in materials is unique. First of all by the scale of covering of all totality of important facts, events, occurrences in the field of history, ethnography studies, geography, toponymy , demography and etc.  That’s why nowadays great interest to source study aspect  grew in learning  given source. The choice of the theme of investigation is explained by its great scientific theoretical significance. 

It discusses the methodology of research and analysis of the important source of Kazakh history "Materials of Kyrgyz land use ...", proposed methods of research and testing, classification and analysis in accordance with the science of sources and methods of application in specific historical studies. 

Keywords: source, science of sources, analysis, method, statistics, ethnos, structure.

Source study is one of significant branches of historical science which demands special theoretical and methodological preparation. In the modern world the set of important reliable sources which supplement with the new contents national history are introduced into scientific circulation. One of such rich and interesting sources containing documentary materials on all aspects of history of Kazakhs of the end of XIX – the beginnings of the XX centuries are "Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use..." ("MKZ") which are still not studied from a position of a national source study and didn't receive a due assessment of experts.

"Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use..." as a written source give valuable information on economic and social situation of the Kazakh ethnos, a geographical arrangement and structure of rodo-breeding structure of Kazakhs at the turn of the century. This source is by origin unique therefore it should be noted that in modern science it is extremely necessary to carry out the source study analysis of data of "MKZ".

According to the main requirements of a source study, it is necessary to define importance of a historical source that will give the chance to the researcher to work with material and to take from it valuable historical data. Determination of historical uniqueness and feature of a source, helps in the analysis and use of the methods corresponding to this type of documents.

To XIX of an century in the territory of Kazakhstan the large and large-scale research works organized by statistical parties and research expeditions weren't carried out. In "MKZ" the materials collected by workers of data of groups are published.

"Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use..." consist of 27 volumes which cover 1898-1915. 13 volumes make materials of expedition of F. Shcherbin, on 7 volumes are the documents collected by P. Skryplev and P. Hvorostansky's espedition. Researches were conducted in the territory of Akmolinsky, Semipalatinsk, Turgaysky and Syr-Daryinsky areas of Kazakhstan, also Fergana area, the present territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The published materials differ from each other in a chronological framework and across the territories captured by researches. For example, expedition under the leadership of F. Shcherbin worked from 1898 to 1903 and investigated Akmolinskaya, Semipalatinsk and Turgaysky areas.

Statistical researches of P. Skryplev covered the period since 1906-1913 in Syr-Darya area, P. Hvorostansky from 1904 to 1912 carried out work in Turgaysky and Ural areas. Feature of all these researches is the edition in 1898-1915 collected by them richmaterial, in "MKZ" a distinctive feature it is possible to call collecting materials method of the organizations of special expeditions, at the moment there are no certain methods of the analysis of similar sources.

In the history of the Kazakh ethnos the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries are the period rather difficult and it is full the events which influenced activity of Kazakhs. Effective measures of the Russian Empire on colonizations of the Kazakh lands, expansion of policy of russification created threat for future Kazakh people. The edition, during these difficult periods of history, a volume complex of sources as "Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use...", in which valuable information on economic and social situation, geography and the nature, rodo-breeding structure and economy of the Kazakh ethnos was concentrated, became the big phenomenon for the public.

In the history of the Kazakh ethnos the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries are the period rather difficult and it is full the events which influenced activity of Kazakhs. Effective measures of the Russian Empire on colonizations of the Kazakh lands, expansion of policy of russification created threat for future Kazakh people. The edition, during these difficult periods of history, a volume complex of sources as "Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use...", in which valuable information on economic and social situation, geography and the nature, rodo-breeding structure and economy of the Kazakh ethnos was concentrated, became the big phenomenon for the public [1]. Also it should be noted that "MKZ" according to the contents, is a special type of a source as, her founder is the group of researchers and educated people. Fruitfully statistical and research expeditions which part were, agronomists, supernumeraries, registrars and others, having the corresponding education worked. When collecting materials they used a special technique, then analyzed and systematized them, after careful processing of documents published as the book. Researches were comprehensively conducted according to the decision of the government of the Russian Empire and pursued a definite purpose. The importance of this research was noted by the head of expedition F. Shcherbin: "The most important results received by expedition were expressed first of all that expedition strongly established forms of the Kyrgyz land use. Before works of expedition neither in Steppe Situation, nor in practice of local establishments there were no instructions on existence at the Kyrgyz of a land community, with corresponding to it the areas of the actual land use on live boundary natural boundaries. Before expedition works also there were no materials in this subject.

In the materials of a source devoted to the Kokchetav district there is chapter 3 of "Feature of collected materials" where F. Shcherbin on the basis of only one ethnos, comparing information of this source to others, proves that came to a result that "the number of the Kyrgyz farms, structure of the population on floors, even on age signs didn't excite any doubts in correctness and accuracy of these materials neither when collecting, nor when developing them. Comparison of data of expedition on the population with data on other sources indicates advantages of the first before the second" [2].

For example, the number of the Kazakh population as 64589 people is specified in F.Shcherbin's report (1906) to the emperor. But according to census of expedition in 1906 the number of the population was 12,1% more and made 72398 [3], i.e. the expert proves reliability of data, by the comparative analysis. It shows high quality and reliability of materials of expedition.

Contemporary records testify that the expert on the business F. Shcherbin for operating time of expedition collected educated shots. Its offer on participation in research of the Kazakh lands was accepted: candidate of agricultural sciences, supernumerary V.A. Dobrovolsky, agronomist of 1 category G. I. Baskin, candidate of commercial sciences, agronomist N. F. Dmitriyev, Pskov supernumerary P.E. Kondratyev, supernumerary-appraiser I.D. Tripolsky and others [4].

As a part of expedition was many representatives of the Kazakh nationality working as translators and registrars that shows participation of educated Kazakhs as a part of expedition and proves objectivity of this research. About this fact also the researcher T. Volkova writes: "Apparently from the above-mentioned list, the local Kazakh intellectuals which representatives worked in expedition by registrars and translators were involved in drawing up budgets. That circumstance that it were, on the one hand, people with sufficient education level, and with another experts on the Kazakh language and life, qualities of poll" promoted [5]. It is important to note especially that from representatives of the Kazakh intellectuals in researches I participated лесовед, the economist and the supernumerary A. Bukeykhanov, the different parties of his activity in expedition F. Shcherbina scientists of Kazakhstan M. Koygeldiyev, T. Volkova, M. Bazarbayev, S. Akkulyula, M. Amrin, L. Serekbayev, considered. Meyrmanova, I. Zhiyenalin.

Participating in researches from 1896 to 1903, Alikhan Bukeykhanov saw and understood the true purposes of the imperial power concerning the Kazakh steppe, having prepared a number of strategic actions for the next period for studying of the Kazakh lands. Western Siberia and the Kazakh steppe turned into the region of a dislocation of peasants immigrants from internal Russian provinces. So the mother country tried to solve the social conflict because of the land questions. Working as a part of expedition it became, on the one hand the eyewitness of a colonial policy of the Russian Empire. On the other hand, I had an opportunity for research of economic and social situation of the Kazakh people and adoption of concrete plans of action for the solution of their problems.

The organization of large-scale and legal conducting the resettlement movement therefore, participants of expedition tried to define the property rights of Kazakhs to the earth and norms of their use was one of the purposes of the government of Russia. From this point of view, entry into structure of experts of Alikhan Bukeykhanov, the expedition for the first time organized in the Kazakh steppe, was useful to definition of the scientific view characterized as liberal by it.

A. Bukeykhanov conducted research works in Omsk, Pavlodar, Karkaralinsk and Semipalatinsk districts, about its activity there are data in 2, 4, 6 and 10 volumes "MKZ". He made examination and described in a source of the volost of Kyzyltau and Altybay of the Pavlodar district, the table of childbirth of the district and defined since what period the Kazakh population began to be settled in this region, thus having carefully studied monuments of folklore of the XVII-XIX centuries, made a contribution to recovery of true history of Kazakhs of steppe areas.

As the famous scientist, speaking about importance of materials of expedition on settlement of the land question, nevertheless I expressed disagreement with results of researches. The matter is that parallel development of nomadic cattle breeding and agriculture was the purpose of tsarism, however, A. Bukeykhanov was the supporter of gradual and voluntary transition of the Kazakhs to a settled way of life who didn't have skills for life in new conditions, it was against crisis of traditional economy, policy of russification and attempt of destruction of sacred values of the Kazakh ethnos. It was dissatisfied with policy of the imperial power which organized repeated researches after completion of work of expedition of F. Shcherbin. In the Kazakh newspaper there is his opinion: "Criticizing, having several times reduced the former left lands to Kazakhs Shcherbin's norm, let out new norms for nomadic Kazakhs" [6].

Many supernumeraries highly appreciated A. Bukeykhanov's activity in F. Shcherbin's expedition. Especially the famous supernumerary A.A. Kauffman noted his merits in research of edge, also there are archival materials testifying that A. Bukeykhanov after completion of expedition in 1903, remained in the position 2 more months. In the document of January 5, 1905 which is the missive of Department of the State property it is told about completion of work of research expedition in steppe areas since January 1, 1904, also in the letter there are data that members of research expedition A. Bukeykhanov and P. Vasilyev, on a special task remain in former positions before indefinite time: "... The department believes correctly to leave the on the work on former condition, i.e. for former to a remuneration_a, for two months, i.e. till March 1st, 1904" [7]. Was decided to charge to these researchers collecting not completely published "MKZ".

A. Bukeykhanov along with it investigated structure of rodoplemenny society of Kazakhs, wrote a family tree, made the deep and objective conclusions and designated settlements of the Kazakh childbirth on the card. These data were systematized and published in "MKZ" therefore there is basis to say that these sources valuable and very important for research of rodo-breeding structure of the Kazakh society.

In a domestic historiography many researchers note that F. Shcherbin's expedition where A. Bukeykhanov participated didn't do any harm at a counting of allotments for traditional Kazakh nomadic and semi-nomadic economy.  

Other Kazakhs participated in expedition: Zh. Satybaldyula, E. Itbayula, M. Shombalula, S. Tilekeev, etc. In the 60-90th years of XIX century of an eyelid in formation of outlook of the Kazakh researchers the ideology of populism had a great influence, they seized methods and which views, however, among them there were ideological contradictions. Some of them adhered to a position of a ruling class, respecting the past. Generally, the Kazakh public consciousness began to depart from patriarchal remnants.Materials of expedition were used for expropriation of "excessive" lands of Kazakhs by the Russian government. These materials about a condition of economy of Kazakhs of the end of XIX - the beginnings of the XX centuries are unique. Members of expedition came to opinion that land norms exceed and there is no need for the big territory кочевьям Kazakhs as in some places they pass to subsidence and agriculture, but in the subsequent researches after F. Shcherbin, land norms for Kazakhs were still reduced, in this case A. Bukeykhanov supported norms of the earth for Kazakhs. Work of expedition under the leadership of F. Shcherbin is allocated to that the colonial policy of the Russian tsarism was for the first time evidence-based and the history of the Kazakh ethnos is comprehensively investigated.

Summarizing the aforesaid, it is possible to approve that "Materials on the Kyrgyz (Kazakh) land use..." are valuable,  having the feature a historical source on studying of history of traditional Kazakh society of the end XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries.


1. Materialyi po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu, sobrannyie i razrabotannyie ekspeditsiey po issledovaniyu stepnyih oblastey. Pod. red. F. Scherbina. Akmolinskaya oblast. Kokchetavskiy uezd. – T. I. – Voronezh, 1898. – m– f. – S. 3. 

2. Materialyi po kirgizskomu zemlepolzovaniyu, sobrannyie i razrabotannyie ekspeditsiey po issledovaniyu stepnyih oblastey. Pod. red. F. Scherbina. Akmolinskaya oblast. Kokchetavskiy uezd. – T. I. – Voronezh, 1898. – m– f. – S. 24-25.

3. Scherbina F. Kirgizskaya narodnost v mestah krestyanskih pereseleniy. - SPb., 1905. – m– f. – S. 5.

4. Alferova Yu.A. F.A. Scherbina v obschestvenno–politicheskoy zhizni Rossii: 60–e godyi XIX–nachalo XX vv. diss. ... kand. istor. nauk. – M., 2003. – S. 198.

5. Volkova T.P. K izucheniyu i ispolzovaniyu dannyih dorevolyutsionnoy byudzhetnoy statistiki kazahskih hozyaystv // Voprosyi istoriografii i istochnikovedeniya Kazahstana. (Dorevolyutsionnyiy period). – Alma–Ata: Nauka, 1988. – S. 171– 197.

6. Bykejhan A. Zhauap hat (Қazaқ.  –  1913. –  № 24) // «Қazaқ» gazetі. – Almaty., 1998. – 560 b.

7.Zhienalina I. A. Bokejhanny қazaқ zherіn otarlauga kozқarasy // Al– Farabi atyndagy KazYU Habarshysy. - Tarih serijasy. –  2006. –  № 2 (41). 29– 34 bb.



В настоящей статье рассматриваются «Материалы по киргизскому землепользованию...» как исторический источник по истории Казахстана конца ХІХ - нач. ХХ века. Документы, собранные в материалах уникальны  по масштабу охвата всей совокупности важнейших фактов, событий, явлений в области истории, этнографии, географии, топонимики и демографии казахского народа. Они представляют собой свод статистических материалов, состоящий из 27-ми томов, который является бесценным источником в исследовании этнической истории казахского народа, особенности казахского традиционного хозяйства. 

Это материалы исследований статистических и  исследовательских экспедиций проведенных с целью колонизации территории Казахстана царской Россией в конце ХІХ в. – начале ХХ в. Несмотря на то что эти документы были источником для колониальной политики, они также являются ценным источником по структуре родо-племенного состава, хозяйственной, экономической, социальной истории и других  аспектов жизни казахов того периода. 

Ключевые слова: источник, источниковедение, анализ, метод, статистика, этнос, структура.



Бұл мақалада «Қырғыздардың (Қазақтардың) жер пайдалану материалдары...» Қазақстан тарихының маңызды дерек көзі ретінде қарастырылады. 

Қырғыздардың (Қазақтардың) жер пайдалану материалдары...» статистикалық мәліметтерден жинақталған 27 томнан тұрады, ол қазақ халқының этникалық тарихын, дәстүрлі шаруашылығының ерекшеліктерін зерттеудің маңызды дерек көзі болып табылады. Деректерде жинақталған ақпараттар уникалды. Ең алдымен маңызды фактілердің, тарих, этнография, география, топонимика, демография және т.б. мәселелерге қатысты құнды мәліметтердің бір деректе шоғырлануы. Сондықтан да бүгінгі таңда бұл деректі деректанулық талдау мәселесіне деген қызығушылық артып отыр.  

Онда қазақ тарихының маңызды дерек көзі болып табылатын «Қырғыздардың жер пайдалану материалдарын...» зерттеу мен талдау методикалары мен тәсілдері көрсетіліп, деректану ғылымының талаптарына сай зерттеу мен сыннын өткізудің, сыныптау мен талдаудың әдістері мен оны нақты тарихи зерттеулерде пайдалану тәсілдері ұсынылған. Сонымен қатар статистикалық зерттеулерді ұйымдастырған, деректі құрастырған авторлар, олардың көзқарастары талданған. 

Түйін сөздер: дерек, деректану, талдау, әдіс, статистика, этнос, құрылым.  

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