Басты бет » «edu.e-history.kz» электрондық журналы » Макро- және микротарих

Макро- және микротарих

A.M. Dyab al-Noimat¹ID, M.A. Sultan Alafreet²ID, Zh. Zhengis³*ID 
 ¹University of Jordan. Amman (Jordan) 
 ²University of Al Ain (UAE) 
 ³*Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, Kazakhstan, Almaty 
 *Corresponding author 
 E-mail: alafreet5@hotmail.com (Dyab al-Noimat),mubaraka_2008@yahoo.com (Sultan Alafreet), zhozhengis@gmail.com (Zhengis) 
 Abstract. In this article, the authors consider energy as a political force. In their article, the researchers note that from a political, economic and environmental point of view, energy security is one of the most important problems facing all countries of the world. In the study, the authors argue that in recent years, the United States, in turn, has experienced skyrocketing energy prices and geopolitical competition from Russia for energy resources, including energy security, resulting in a conflict of interest. In this case, the article clearly shows that energy security is becoming a serious problem in the world due to the rapid growth in demand for natural fuels. In fact, Central Asia and the Caucasus are the regions where the geopolitics and competition between the United States and Russia are most influenced by their vast energy resources and strategic position. The authors conclude that Central Asia and the Caucasus are of particular interest to the United States and Russia, while Central Asia and the Caucasus is one of the best options for Russia, China, and the United States. 
Key words: Energy, United States, Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Competition.
«Еdu.e-history.kz журналы (Қазақстан Республикасы Инвестициялар және даму министрлігінің Байланыс, ақпараттандыру және ақпарат комитетінде тіркелген, тіркеу туралы куәлік: 29.10.2014 ж. № 14602-ИА) – тарихи зерттеулердің нәтижелері ұсынылатын электрондық ғылыми басылым. 2014 жылдан бастап шығарылады. 

Журнал «Edu.e-history.kz» (зарегистрирован в Комитете связи, информатизации и информации Министерства по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан, свидетельство о регистрации: 29.10.2014 № 14602-ИА) – электронное научное издание для публикации результатов исторических исследований. Издается с 2014 года. 
Journal «Edu.e-history.kz» (registered at the Committee for Communications, Informatization and Information of the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration certificate: 10/29/2014 No. 14602-IA) is an electronic scientific edition for publishing the results of historical studies. Published since 2014.