


Editorial ethics published at the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. of the electronic scientific journal "edu.e-history.kz" proceeds from the requirements of the Law "About science" of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 407-IV dated February 18, 2011, as well as from generally accepted ethical principles supported by the community of publishers of scientific periodicals. At the same time, it adheres to the international standard for scientific publication ethics, developed by the Committee for Scientific Publication Ethics (COPE). Along with this, he recognizes the experience of reputable international journals (Scopus (Elsevier), etc.).

In order to improve the quality of scientific publication, it is recommended to beware of publishing deliberately false information, falsification, plagiarism, etc. At the same time, when writing a scientific article, the author must strictly observe the basic principles of ethics and intellectual honesty and justice. If the editorial board becomes aware of violations or violations of ethical standards regarding published articles in the journal, then it should be guided by the recommendation of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE https://publicationethics.org/core-practices) (or its alternative).

The editorial board also plans to achieve recognition of scientific achievements in the social environment.

In the process of publication, each author, scientific editor, reviewer, members of the editorial board of the electronic scientific journal "edu.e-history.kz" must unconditionally adhere to the principles, norms and standards of publication ethics. Compliance with ethical principles is important both to ensure and maintain the quality of a scientific journal, as well as to create trust and respect between the participants in the publication process.