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Requirements to articles

Dear authors!

The editors of the electronic scientific journal «edu.e-history.kz» on the basis of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology accept for publication texts in electronic format that have never been published before, scientific papers with supporting documents.

The author submits the manuscript to the editor in strict observance of the rules for the preparation of scientific articles.

The manuscript of the author's article for publication in the international electronic scientific publication "edu.e-history.kz" is sent ONLY online by downloading through the interface of the journal's website. To do this, on the website https://edu.e-history.kz, in the "Login" section, in an empty line "E-mail", specify the mail "edu.e.history@gmail.com", in the line "Password" type "history2021 ".

The text of the article, drawn up in accordance with the requirements, is uploaded and sent in electronic format (with doc, docx, rtf extensions) in the "Submit article" section.

The articles not registered on the site are not accepted for consideration.

Papers sent to the personal e-mail or e-mail of the journal are not accepted.

The authenticity of the manuscript is pre-checked in the "StrikePlagiarism" system and, if the result is satisfactory, is sent for review.

After receiving a positive review, the editorial office notifies the authors of the acceptance of the article for publication, as well as the comments of reviewers and editors, according to which it is necessary to correct and supplement the article. In case of refusal to publish an article, the editorial office sends a motivated refusal to the author.

The authors are responsible for the selection and reliability of the historical sources, quotes, statistical and sociological data, proper names, geographical names and other information.

1. Rules of the articles titling:

1.1.   Font of articles – Times New Roman, spacing – 1, indent – 1, font size of the main text – 14, font of keywords, bibliography, text in tables – 12. Length of articles – from 5000 to 7000 words (A4 format).

1.2.   Margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, bottom and top – 2 cm each.

1.3 The main text of the article should be in Word format.

1.4 For uniformity of style, do not use in the text such attributes as italics, underlines, etc.

1.5 Tables, figures and drawings are inserted into the text after mentioning them in the text. Figure captions (Size 14, regular) (for example Table 1 - Name of Table). If there is only one figure in the article, then it is not numbered. Graphs, drawings, photographs, etc. should not exceed 20% of the article length (in case of emergency – 30%).

In the main text the references to literature and sources are given in brackets (Ivanov 1908: 12). The bibliographic list is given by 12 font size at the end of the article in alphabetical order without numbering. Bibliographic references in the text should be given with the name of the author, the year of publication and the page (Kozybaev, 1992: 77). If reference is made to the collection of articles or archival materials, instead of the author’s surname, you can indicate either the surname of the editor-in-chief (or compiler) of the collection. When referring to articles or books written jointly by two authors, both authors must be indicated (Takenov, Baigaliev, 1993: 17). When referring to articles or books written jointly by three or more authors, specify the first author's last name and write «et al.» (Omarbekov et al., 2011: 87). Archival sources are not fully disclosed, only the case number and sheet are indicated (ҚРПА, 2243: 35). When referring to works by the same author published in the same year, you should distinguish the works by adding the letters a, b, in the year of publication (Koigeldiev, 2020a: 15) (Koigeldiev, 2020b: 22).

2.  Structureofthearticles:

2.1  Article should contain the code IRSTI.

International Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information (IRSTI) – data that show the branch of scientific knowledge of the research. It should be located in the upper left corner.

2.2  Below, through a line in the center, is the title of the article in capital letters, bold.

2.3  The next line contains information about the authors: name (full name) in lowercase letters, in bold in the center. If there are several authors, then the names of the authors are given in the order of their contribution to the writing of the article, while the name of the main author is written first. Superscript characters (1) and (2) indicate affiliations (organization name, city, country), and an asterisk (*) superscript character indicates the corresponding author

2.4 After indentation: information about the author: academic degree, academic title, position, name of the organization, country, email address. The author information also includes a link to the author's ORCID iD profile.

2.5.  After indentation: abstract of the article (100-200 words) and keywords up to 10 words.

Abstract – reveals the content of the article, the problem stated and the purpose of the study, it reflects the essential facts, the main arguments and position of the author, as well as the results of the study. The recommended length of the abstract is 100–150 words.

Key words are the most significant words in the article. Key words characterize the subject and area of ​​research as accurately as possible. They include basic concepts, issues, geographic terms and other aspects that reveal the content of the article. Single words and phrases can be used as key words. The recommended number of key words is 5-10.

The above-mentioned requirements 2.2.-2.5 in the structure of the article are placed successively in three languages.IRSTI, the title of the article, information about the authors, abstract and keywords are given in Kazakh, Russian and English.


IRSTI 03.20


Mukhatova Orazgul Khasenovna¹*, Kaipbaeva Ainagul Tolkanbaevna2

¹ Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. Kazakhstan, Almaty. E-mail: orazgulmukhatova502@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8613-7248

² Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Research Fellow, Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. Kazakhstan, Almaty. E-mail: aina__78@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3387-624X

* Corresponding author

Annotation. Text, text, text……

Key words: Text, text, text……

NOTE! Information is given in three languages based on this sample. The Department is not written.

3. Structure of the text of the article should consist of the following:

The Article should contain an introductory, methodological part, main part, and final part, with a list of references at the end.

3.1 Introduction (relevance of the research issue);

3.2 Materials and methods (materials and methods are detailed);

3.3 Discussions (the discussion describes which of the authors was involved in this research topic, historiography);

 3.4. Results (the main part of the article);

 3.5. Conclusions;

 3.6. If the article was written with the financial support of a scientific foundation, then it is allowed to indicate this as information and/or acknowledgements.

 3.7. References (in the original language). The literature and sources should be shown in alphabetical order.

 3.8. References in transliteration (if the link is not in English, an English version is given in transliteration in brackets. If the link is translated from the Russian language, then at the end of the footnote it is indicated (In Russian).

The used literature and sources should be given according as a list under the «References» title. The list of references is given in alphabetical order without numbering. Sources in Kazakh and Russian is changed to Latin font, and it’s English translation is given in square brackets. The – , // characters are not used. The place of publication is indicated in full. Thus: M., L., A., A-A., St. Petersburg. is not reduced.

Style of references in Russian and Kazakh languages is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation "(Requirements for publications included in the KOKSON list).

When linking to Internet resources, the site, title and date of visit should be indicated.

List of literature and sources:

Алдажұманов Қ. Атты әскер дивизиясының тағдыры // Егемен Қазақстан. – 2018. – 24 сентября (№ 180). – С. 9.

Баринов И.И. Германская стратегия в Центральной Азии в годы Первой мировой войны // Цивилизационно-культурные аспекты взаимоотношений России и народов Центральной Азии в начале ХХ столетия (1916 год: уроки общей трагедии): сб. докл. Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. – Москва, 2016. – С. 114–118.

Брайнин С., Шафиро Ш. Восстание казахов Семиречья в 1916 г. – Алма-Ата: Казкрайиздат, 1936. – 104 с.

Голиков А.Н. Роль кавалерийских частей Красной Армии в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.: на материалах II гвардейского кавалерийского корпуса. Дисс… к.и.н. – Москва, 2009. – 216 с.

Грозный 1916-й год: сб. документов и материалов. – Алматы: «Казахстан»,1998. – 422 с.

Котюкова Т.В. Восстание 1916 года в Туркестане: документальные свидетельства общей трагедии. – [Электронный ресурс] – URL: http://berlek-nkp.com/analitics/5587-vosstanie-1916-goda-v-turkestane-dokumentalnye-svidetelstva-obschey-tragedii-sbornik-dokumentov-i-materialov.html (дата обращения: 22.10.2017 г.)

Қазақстан тарихы (көне заманнан бүгінге дейін). Бес томдық. – 3-том. – Алматы: «Атамұра», 2000. – 768 б.

Қазақстан Республикасы Орталық мемлекеттік архиві (ҚР ОМА). 264-қ., 1-т., 13-іс, 3-п.

ҚР ОМА. 264-қ., 1-т., 13-іс, 3-п.

Максимов К.Н. 110-я oтдельная калмыцкая кавалерийская дивизия в военной истории Калмыкии // Вестник Калмыцкого института гуманитарных исследований РАН. – 2011. – №1. – С. 48-55.

Сәдуақасова П.Қ. Жанайдар Садуақасов: өмірі мен қызметі. – Қарағанды, 2008. – 300 б.

Transliteration example:

References (transcript in Latin alphabet)

Суляк С.Г. Этнодемографические процессы в Бессарабии в XIX – начале XX в. // Русин. Международныйисторическийжурнал. – 2012. – № 1 (27). – С. 6-26.

Sulyak S.G. Etnodemograficheskie protsessy v Bessarabii v XIX – nachale XX v. [Ethno-Demographic processes in Bessarabia in the XIX - beginning of the XX ages]. Rusin. International historical magazine, 2012. – N 1 (27). – P. 6-26 [in Russian].


For articles: the maximum length of the article (including abstracts, bibliography, notes) is 5000-7000 words.

For reviews: the maximum review length is 1500-1600 words. The output of the book under review should be given in full, including the publisher, the number of pages, and the names of the editors in charge or compilers (in the case of reviewing collections of materials).

Texts of articles that are not designed according to the requirements are not accepted for publication.

Executive Editor: A.T. Kaipbayeva – 8 701 404 1878

Editor: Kubeyev R.D. – 8 777 228 82 73

Editorial office address: Shevchenko St., 28, Almaty

050010, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK

tel .: +7 (727) 261-67-19

fax: +7 (727) 261-67-19

+7 (727) 272-47-59

Journal e-mail: edu.history@bk.ru

Journal website: www.edu.e-history.kz

Payment for publication is made through “BankCenterCredit” JSC using the following details:

Bank details:

RSE “Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology” SC MES Republic of Kazakhstan

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Legal address: Shevchenko St., 28, Almaty

Tel.: 261-67-19; Fax: 272-69-72


Payment for the publication of articles in cash is not accepted.


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