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International electronic scientific journal "edu.e-history.kz"

Founder and publisher: Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Certificate of Registration of Perioidical and Information Agency


Kabuldinov Ziyabek Ermukhanovich – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member NAS RK, Director of the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Executive editor:

Kaipbayeva Ainagul Tolganbayevna - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

The international electronic scientific journal “edu. e-history. kz” (registered at the Committee for Communications, Informatization and Information of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, registration certificate: No. 14602-IA dated October 29, 2014) isthe only registered electronic scientific edition Kazakhstan established inthe framework ofdecisions made inresult ofthe extended meeting ofthe interdisciplinary working group (IDWG) held onJune5, 2013 under the chairmanship ofthe State Secretary ofthe Republic ofKazakhstan M.M. Tazhin with aview offurther active inclusion ofmodern info-communicative technologies inscientific context, which will serve asabase for formation ofthe new research heuristics, new methodology ofdigital humanities, applied use of network technologies asatool for promotion ofthe national history, establishment ofthe new paradigm ofthe modern Kazakhstani historical science.

The scientific journal serves as a platform for integration and interaction of Kazakhstani historical science with the world historical scientific community, a channel for the exchange of scientific information, which enables scholars to widely present the results of their academic research through the use of modern means of infocommunication in the international academic environment.The content of the journal is aimed at researchers, teachers and scholars from various countries dealing with the issues of the history of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Eurasian space.

The editorial policy of the journal is aimed at popularizing the results of new developments of Kazakhstani and foreign scholars in the field of historical and related research, increasing interest in publishing activities on the part of specialists and the general public.

Aims of the journal: to provide conditions for open scholarly discussion (including with foreign researchers), publicly available on the Internet; promote the exchange of experience and the dissemination of research results and new scientific developments in the scientific environment (including interdisciplinary research); involve doctoral students, doctoral candidates, young professionals, teachers, students, undergraduates and researchers dealing with the history of Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and Eurasian space, in the publication of articles.

Purposes of the journal: The journal familiarizes the academic community (through the electronic system publicly available in the world space) with the achievements and innovations in the world historiographic process, the edition is aimed at supporting new trends and developing innovative research directions of humanities specialists, initiatives of young scholars, reflection of scientific solutions and conceptual approaches in science.

The journal publishes scientific works of both fundamental and applied nature in the following areas of historical science:

history, archeology, ethnography, political science, sociology, philosophy,  religious studies, jurisprudence, pedagogy.

The scientific journal is registered at the International Standard Serial Number Center  (ISSN International Center) (Paris, France), ISSN 2710-3994.

The journal and published articles are assigned digital object identifiers DOI (publisher prefix: DOI.10.51943).

The scientific journal is included in the list of RSCI journals agreement (Russian citation index). The electronic version of the scientific journal is in open access in the Scientific Electronic Library of the RSCI on the website ELIBRARY.RU The journal complies with the basic publishing standards for the design of articles in accordance with GOST 7.5-98 and GOST 7.1-2003.

Verification of the originality of articles is carried out by the StrikePlagiarism licensed system, on the basis of an agreement with the company.

The journal is open for cooperation with Kazakhstani and foreign scholars, research teams, educational and academic institutions.

Publication frequency – 4 times a year in electronic format.

Languages of publications: Kazakh, Russian, English.

Editorial office address:

Shevchenko Str., 28, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050100.

Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology CS MES RK

Tel .: +7 (727) 261-67-19, fax: +7 (727) 272-69-72

E-mail: edu.history@bk.ru.

Website: www.edu.e-history.kz


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Азамат Утемуратов25.02.2016, 12:12

Адеми макалдар молодец

Азамат Утемуратов25.02.2016, 12:23

Макала оте адеми жазылыпты