Басты бет » «edu.e-history.kz» электрондық журналы » Жас ғалымдар зерттеулері

Жас ғалымдар зерттеулері

A.M. Dyab al-Noimat¹*ID

¹University of Jordan, Amman, (Jordan)

*Corresponding author

E-mail: Alafreet5@hotmail.com (Dyab al-Noimat)

Abstract. This article comes to present the stages of Iran's foreign political strategy in its relationship with the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus from 1991 to 2019, and the importance of these relations in expanding Iran's interests and ensuring its economic and political interests in the region. In this case, the article clearly shows that Iran's interests are becoming a serious problem in the Central Asia and the Caucasus to the rapid growth in demand for natural fuels. In fact, Central Asia and the Caucasus are the regions where the geopolitics and competition between the United States and Iran are most influenced by their vast energy resources and strategic position. The author conclude that Central Asia and the Caucasus are of particular interest to the Iran, while Central Asia and the Caucasus is one of the best options for Russia, China, and the United States.
Keywords: Energy, Iran, United States, Russia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Competition.

¹Ankara University, Republic of Turkey, Ankara

*Corresponding author

E-mail: olkube89@gmail.com(Kuanbay)

Abstract. In this article, on the basis of archival documents, a comparative scientific analysis of the political and social situation of the Japanese people during the Tokugawa period and the Kazakh people during the colonial policy of the Russian Empire is carried out. Each scientific fact, confirmed by historical documents, reveals the essence of the article. The article also provides a comparative scientific and expert assessment of domestic and foreign policy and the life of the Japanese and Kazakhs. Historical important events and political and administrative positions of the Japanese and Kazakh peoples are analyzed. Despite the geographical distance between them, archival data show that the Japanese-Kazakh people had the same problems with different taxes during the era of feudal imperialism. Not only the political and social position of the Japanese Kazakh people, but also the spiritual position did not remain outside the scope of scientific research. This topic still requires deep study.
Key words: Tokugawa, colonial politics, Japan, Kazakhstan, sankin-kotai, volost, Daimyo, byi, Shogun