
Z.M. TOLENOVA Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology Head of Department of External Contacts, Information and Scientific Cluster Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor R.D. KUBEYEV Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of Hist


Scientific E-journal «edu.e-history.kz» № 4(08)

Tags: consciousness, historical, portraits, political, studies, figures, historical, Kozybayev, M.K., academician, sovereignty, Kazakhstan.
The article discusses the contribution of academician M.K. Kozybayev in the development of national historical science, in particular - historical figures studies (making political portraits of the leaders of the Soviet era and the evaluation of their work results). The article highlights the academician’s enormous contribution to the development of historical science and the formation of historical consciousness, the revival and development of spirituality, strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and unity of the peoples of the sovereign Kazakhstan.

Historical events of recent years – the period of Kazakhstan's entry into the post-totalitarian development, the acquisition of sovereignty and independence, national statehood, the course of democratic and market reforms, the republic's entry into the international community – are  designed to bring our country to a new level of civilization.

  The new historical situation in the country, global geopolitical environment, and the carried out socio-economic reforms, the dynamics of social processes, as well as the rule of imperial thinking and communist ideology in the past strongly demanded from historians to perform conceptual review and to provide an integrated, scientific and objective history of Kazakh people.

In this regard, the academician M.K. Kozybayev’s researches on the development of topical issues of Kazakhstan’s history, historical education, historical consciousness of the people of Kazakhstan are very important. The academician M.K. Kozybayev had developed relevant historical problems in close creative contact with historians of the republic, various academic institutions, and media (including CIS and Central Asian media).

  Research results on the history of Kazakhstan were tested at international congresses and symposia (Moscow, Istanbul, Ankara, Paris, Tehran, New Delhi, Urumqi, Beijing, Almaty, etc.), more than 200 scientific and theoretical conferences, including the First World Kurultai of Kazakhs.

  The merit of academician, first of all, is that from the very first days of the country’s independence he put the comprehensive study of the actual problems on the agenda, headed the research and creative group to revise the history of the people and the country, and he took the decision of fundamental problems, pushing more and new challenges, supplementing and perfecting an initial program of studying the "blind spots" in the history of Kazakhstan. Ultimately, all this formed the basis of the Concept of Kazakhstan’s historical science development up to 2000.

  In the early 90ies of XX century, putting forward the Program of historical science restructuring, academician M.K. Kozybayev noted the factors of its inhibition. Many years of its extensive development, and the accumulated stagnation effected the situation. There were no specialist researchers for entire historical periods,

some individual genres were not represented in the cycle of history. An extremely tense situation had formed in the study of ethnogenesis.

The national liberation movement of the Kazakh people against Jungar Mongol invasions and Russian imperialism was studied from time to time.

  Academician believed that no less significant cause of the stagnation in the historical science and the presence of "blind spots" and "closed zones" in it was the dismissive attitude to the following factors: 1) the expansion of research sources base, 2) improving the methods of working with sources, 3) extensive use of archival documents. Severe restrictions on access to archival collections, selection of documents to illustrate the given schemes and concepts caused the writing of compilation works.

  For the reconstruction of historical science M.K. Kozybayev proposed to solve a set of problems: development of methodologies and research techniques on the new level; reviewing  research topics and defining the priority areas in a historical science; comprehension and generalization of social experience; development of science-based historical consciousness; raising the educational potential of the history; strengthening the link of history and auxiliary disciplines and interdisciplinary connections, including source studies; improving the research organization; raising personnel policy and teaching of history to a new level; dissemination of historical knowledge among the people.

  Academician put forward the problem of reconsideration of the Lenin's "non-capitalist development of formerly backward peoples to socialism, bypassing the capitalist stage" conception, which became the ideological platform of the "great turning point" policy of the revolution "from above", the total collectivization and settling of the Kazakh people.  

  Later M. Kozybayev fully substantiated his point of view. The years of the First Secretary of Kazkraikom F. Goloshchekin’s (the Stalin’s deputy) government were the years of the gradual replacement of the party's ruling with the personal dictatorship, the planting of the command-bureaucratic methods of management, regional leaderism, implementation concept of "Small October" with the methods of Bonapartism, the "revolution from above", which led to the death more than half of the population of Kazakhstan.

  Significant place in the work of scholar in the last decades of his life belongs to the issues of the totalitarian regime formation and its manifestations in Kazakhstan. In the monograph "History and Modernity" there are such articles devoted to this topic as «F.I. Goloshchekin. Political Portrait" and "The Tragedy of Kazakhstan". The latter was co-written with Zh.B. Abylkhozhin and Sh.B. Tatimov. In the article devoted to F. Goloshchekin there presented the political, moral image of one of the creators of barracks socialism. For the first time, based on archival sources, there was revealed a bloodthirsty image of revolutionist, Soviet type colonizer. 

  In 1987-1993 M. Kozybayev made the political portraits of many people's batyrs, generals and statesmen. This academician considered the activities of F. Goloschekin, I. Stalin, N. Khrushchev, L. Brezhnev on the example of Kazakhstan. The principle of historicism made it possible to reveal the character traits, as well as the dynamics of thought and the actions of public figures that were previously "closed", "prohibited" or were in the shade.

   In the article "Stalin and Kazakhstan" the academician noted that 3.5-4 mln. people became the victims of Stalinism, including 600-650 thousand that were shot (among them there were over 35 thousand Kazakhstanis).  In his writings for the first time there was justified the thesis that the author of the "Small October" theory is not F. Goloshchekin, as it was considered to be still, but the "father of nations" I. Stalin, who pursued a policy of political repression, as the People's Commissar of Nationalities ( "Sultangalievshchina").

  And he was the author of the "theory" of the "proletarian in content, national in form" culture. The article traces the role of I. Stalin in the implementation of policy of forced collectivization in Kazakhstan, Turkestan, and the forced industrialization1. His successor F. Goloshchekin, justifying the need for "Great Turning-Point" in the Kazakh aul, said that "of course, this transition changes the way of life, economy, destroying the old way of life, the old economy crumbles, and it does not happen without damage" [2]. The author presented the data not about the damage, but about the crash in the economy, demographics and the spiritual life of the people, and he believed that Stalinism was a classic version of Bonapartism.

  In the research article "Khrushchev and Kazakhstan" M. Kozybayev notes that Khrushchev is the child of socialism, the barracks socialism. Despite the fact that he was the author of the new course, he had a lot of “admixtures” of Stalinism and personality cult policy in him. 

M. Kozybayev showed that N. Khrushchev resorting to a policy of development of virgin lands in the eastern parts of the country, just like in the former Stalinist times, sent new emissaries and ruled the country as a communist monarch.

  He criticized the course for a total development of virgin lands. Plowing 41 million hectares brought the country to a new problem – there began an ecological disaster – soil erosion, and drying up of the Aral Sea. And the Khrushchev’s migration policy was equally disastrous for the indigenous peoples of Kazakhstan and Siberia. Voluntarism, the flip side of the personality cult, had a detrimental effect on the spiritual sphere of the people’s life. N. Khrushchevleftalegacyofimperialpersonnelpolicy.

  The continuation of the political portraits gallery created by M. Kozybayev is the article "Brezhnev and Kazakhstan", where the author revealed the image of sugary, amorous intriguing leader, the short-sighted politician, one of the creators of the "Afghan tragedy", the Soviet Union’s breakdown. Here, the author exposes the image of an imaginary “pervotselinnik”, the supporter of Kazakhstan’s chemicalization.

  In the Khrushchev-Brezhnev period Kazakhstan was more rapidly turning into the region of the mineral raw materials, the agricultural appendage of the center. M. Kozybayev reveals the moral image of the latter-day leader. That since the government of L. Brezhnev there began to enroot corruption, bribery, embezzlement, etc...[3]. The political portraits made by M. Kozybayev give an idea of the rule of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Kazakhstan in Goloshchekin times, who decided the destinies of the people on his own will. Generally there can be traced the continuity of the national policy of the Communist Party of Soviet Union and the Russian Empire, the regularity and dynamics of the Union’s collapse.


The above research articles of the academician are devoted to the "blind spots" of history of the Kazakh people. But the author not only identifies these spots, he gives his assessment of the problem’s interpretation. All this makes it possible to recreate the whole concept of the history of Kazakhstan, to erase the imperial spirit, the abuse of our people’s history, to generate consciousness of the people, and to teach them the culture of inter-ethnic dialogue on the basis of the ideology of independent Kazakhstan.   

   Academician M. Kozybayev rebuffed pseudo-patriots, nationalists, putting forward the thesis of Russian prosperity, the whole nation’s tragedy of 30-40-ies, and the destruction of the top layer of the nations of all the republics, except Russia. Later academician repeatedly returned to this issue by publishing a series of papers.

One of the first in the former Soviet Union, the academician called for revision of the existing concept of collectivization [4]. It was more fundamentally considered in the publication "Kazakhstan tragedy" involving agrarian scientist and demographer, so the whole world knew about the scale and the heavy consequences of the Kazakh tragedy [5]. Besides, on the initiative of the scholar-organizer on November 28-29, 1988 there was held a symposium, where the concept of forced collectivization in Kazakhstan and Central Asia was worked out (with the participation of leading agricultural scientists nationwide) [6].  

Later the academician M. Kozybayev headed a special committee of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which studied the circumstances and consequences of the famine in the 30-ies of XX century, and the mass political repressions. The scholar’s main scientific approaches to this issue became the basis of the Committee’s Conclusion. Assessing the academician’s contribution, K. Aldazhumanov wrote: "... it should be noted that ever since it happened Kazakhstan is the only state in the post-Soviet space, where the history of Soviet totalitarianism and its consequences are studied in great detail.

Since the second half of the 1980s under the leadership of M.K. Kozybayev there was conducted an extensive work on the identification and rehabilitation of victims of political repression of 1930-40s, which had a national significance" [7].

Besides, in a number of other researches the academician gave a holistic concept of the forced collectivization and the famine of 1931-1933. For the first time in the literature the policy of forced collectivization, without taking into account the features of nomadic and semi-nomadic Kazakh sharua was called ethnocide, and there was shown the scale of the whole nation’s tragedy.

  Academician Manash Kozybayev was at the origin of new conceptual development of the Kazakh statehood history, history of Kazakhstan in the conditions of colonialism and Soviet totalitarianism, rehabilitation of victims of mass political repressions.

  As a member of the State Commission he carried out extensive work on the implementation of Decrees of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev "On Declaring 1997 the Year of National Consent and Memory of Mass Political Repressions Victims", "On Declaring 1998 the Year of National Unity and National History", "On Declaring 1999 the Year of Unity and Continuity of Generations".

   Thus, during the years of independence, M.K. Kozybayev made an enormous contribution to the development of historical science and the formation of historical consciousness, the revival and spiritual development, strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and unity of the peoples of the sovereign Kazakhstan.


1 Козыбаев М.К. Сталин и Казахстан // Народный учитель, 1991, 27 марта, 5 апреля; Ақтаңдақтар ақиқаты /Истина «белых пятен»/. –Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 1992. - 272 с.

2 Советская степь, 1931, 1 сентября.

3 Козыбаев М.К. Брежнев и Казахстан //

4 См.: Қозыбаев М. Тарих тағылымы // Қазақ әдебиеті, 1987, 8 апрель.

5 Козыбаев М.К., АбылхожинЖ.Б., Татимов Ш.Б. Казахстанская трагедия // Вопросы истории, 1989, № 7.

6 Коллективизация сельского хозяйства в республиках Средней Азии и Казахстане: Опыт и проблемы. –Алма-Ата: Ғылым, 1990)

7 Алдажуманов К. Академик М.К. Козыбаев и историческая наука Казахстана // Историческая наука Казахстана. –Алматы: МерСал, 2005. –С.282.

з.М. толенова

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  В статье рассматривается вклад академика М.К. Козыбаева в развитие отечественной исторической науки, в частности – исторической персоналистики (создание политических портретов лидеров советской эпохи, оценка результатов их деятельности). В статье подчеркивается огромный вклад академика в развитие исторической науки и формирование исторического сознания, возрождение и развитие духовности, укрепление межнационального согласия и единства народов суверенного Казахстана.

  Ключевые слова: академик М.К. Козыбаев, историческая персоналистика, политические портреты, историческое сознание, суверенитет, Казахстан.

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