Home » Materials » Teaching the Cultural Heritage of Kazakh People in Higher Education by means of Extracurricular Activities in Museums

Shashayeva G., Zhappasov Zh. E., Tasilova N.A.

Teaching the Cultural Heritage of Kazakh People in Higher Education by means of Extracurricular Activities in Museums

Scientific E-journal «edu.e-history.kz» № 2

Tags: Тасилова Н., Жаппасов Ж., Шашаева Г.
Currently, much attention is being paid to spiritual and cultural heritage of nations. In recent years, cultural policies in Kazakhstan seek to promote the material and spiritual heritage, both within the country and at an international level. Efforts are directed to the preservation of these values in museums and specialized institutions, as well as to their cultural transmission in educational programs in colleges and universities. This paper presents some of these policies and shows the vital relation between the work in cultural heritage preservation developed in museums and educational processes. It also inquires into how these relations might be made more productive by means of Information and Communication Technologies. In this regard, the archaeological museum materials are the means of the cultural heritage of both material and spiritual values, which is an important factor in education. Keywords: archaeology, cultural values, education, historical heritage, museum.

In recent years, the debate over the role of the extra-curricular activities in educational attainment has occupied a central position in the sociology of education.

In our example researches in this area Natalya Selivanova, Boris Vulfov, Irina Demakova, Valentina Popova's works became the most significant the professional and pedagogical orientation of out-of-class activity of students was studied. Enough researches is devoted to studying influence of out-of-class extracurricular activities on socialization and development of the personality. (Kikina, Inga 2012: n/p). Thus, social education is one of the important factors of stabilization of society.

Social education has to achieve two objectives: success of socialization of younger generations in modern conditions and self-development of the person as subject of activity and as persons. In science prerequisites for the solution of the designated problem in Lev Vygotsky, Anton Makarenko, Vasily Sukhomlinsky, Konstantin Ushinsky's researches are created. Formation of socially significant qualities of the identity of the student by means of out-of-class activity was considered in Natalya Galeyeva, Galina Burtseva's works. And in Larisa Mitina, Marina Bityanova, Eduard Zeer, Alexander Orlov, Svetlana Chistyakova, Valentina Goryanina's researches theoretical bases of escort of the personality out of educational activity are proved. Together that in Zhogoleva Oksana's researches, Mikhail Artemyev considered problems of influence of extracurricular educational activities on process of socialization of student's youth. (Kikina, Inga 2012: n/p).

Scholarsarguethatextracurricularactivitiesmatterinsofarastheymotivatestudentsandcontributetotheintegrationofthecurriculumwithinsocialdemands. Interdisciplinary education and the concept ofthe integrated curriculum have been elements of school-based education in the second half of the 20th century in many parts of the world.Socialization theorists argue that extracurricular activities help students by binding their hearts and minds to the academic enterprise, (Zhogoleva, Oksana 2007: n/p; see also Galina, Schukina 1984: 272). Purposeful out-of-class work promotes formation of strong motivation like compliance of cognitive interests and activities in students to study cultural heritage and in many respects defines efficiency of this important kind of activity. (Galina, Schukina 1984: 272). In view of the above, we consider the purpose of extracurricular activities at university as providing a comprehensive, harmonious and spiritual development of students. In this way,extra-curricular activities nurture talents and interests, and increase engagement with the school or higher education institution. They might also benefit students by bolstering their cultural capital and subjective motivation (commitment to socio-educational goals, as in socialization theory).

These might be sponsored by the particular school or institution or by a given community. In the case of schools, extracurricular and enrichment activities provide students the foundationalandtransferable skills necessary to be ready for further education, fosteringcollege and career aspirations, interest, and talents.

Educational institutions are also making a concerted effort todo the following: address socially-relevant topics; have clear learning objectives; offer a variety of learning formatsand incorporate group activities, field trips, and community involvementinitiatives.In recent years, many museums all over the world have begun to address the education community on a large scale through the creation of museum-based home educational programs. Museums of veritably every size and variety, from art and history museums to archaeological and science centres has contribution on that.[1]The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is enforcing new strategies to establish stronger ties between cultural heritage institutions and higher education establishments, corresponding to the ideas of the president of Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishuly Nazarbayev,  named “Kazakhstan-2050” a new policy introduced on December 14, 2012. According to social demands of this strategy, nationwide values should become a leading force in the country,where intellectuals play greater roles; moreover, these values should be appropriate to epoch and seek contemporary common national goals.

By the program "Cultural Heritage"  of The National  Academy of education named by  Altynsarin in accordance with implementing founded historical and cultural datas into secondary schools and institutions of higher education programs to systematize the introduction of scientific and methodical ways, depending on the state of secondary education in 2002, compulsory education standards, amendments and additions have been changed (Zheksembekova Venera 2009: 8). The aim of the program is the development of spiritual and educational sphere, preservation and effective use of the cultural heritage of the country. In this regard, considered in legislative documents for the implementation of this program, which are considered as the main directions and ways of solving problems as required by the strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050". These include the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan ("On Culture" 2012, "On the National Archival Fund and Archives" in 2014).

So stepping up work on the promotion and popularization of spiritual values ​​among young people through cultural heritage materials. Therefore, under the state program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Cultural Heritage", the conditions in the educational process of higher educational institutions to create an integrated system of study of cultural heritage. Through the program "Cultural Heritage" is supposed to solve the problems associated with the crisis of values ​​among young people. Orientation youth spiritual values ​​promotes learning disabilities the ability to live in coexistence of cultures in the dialogue of cultures that made up current day through the program "Cultural Heritage" program of "cultural heritage" being another Confirmation attention to the development of culture and history of the people is aimed at spiritual moral consolidation of the modern Kazakh society. [Sadykov, Tokmuhamed 2008: 14] Thus, the implementation of the program will enhance the spiritual, educational and intellectual and cultural level of the nation,education of the younger generation in the spirit of global values, the further consolidation of society.

In the era of globalization, historical and cultural heritage - the basis of self-identification. In this regard, the program "Cultural Heritage" is dedicated to the years 2009-2011 "(Strategic National Project 2008) was a response to requests from today the program was launched in 2004 and will run for two years. In the following were developed in two phases of the program: from 2007 to 2009. and from 2009 to 2011. The state program "Cultural Heritage" has become the main instrument in the development of the spiritual and educational activities, strategic national project to identify the state approach to culture. Kazakhstan was the first country of the Union of Independent States launched a large-scale project.

Achieving this goal is carried out the following tasks:

 - Reconstruction of significant historical, cultural and architectural monuments of the country;

- The creation of an integrated system of study of the cultural heritage, including the modern national culture, folklore, traditions and customs;

- Generalization of centuries-old experience of national literature and writing, creating a detailed artistic and scientific series;

- The creation of the state language of the full fund of humanitarian education based on the best achievements of world scientific thought, culture and literature. On the State program "Cultural Heritage" (Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004).

As a result of new studies and research projects domestic science replenished considerable amount of valuable works. On areas of the republic has organized a series of ethnographic, archaeological expeditions.

Since 2004 - since the beginning of the program - completed restoration work on the 78 historical and cultural monuments, of which 28 (35%) - renovated in the period from 2008 to 2011.  Conducted 26 scientific and applied, 40 archaeological research, which enriched science with thousands of artifacts that give insight into the history of our ancestors. Gained world fame excavation mounds Shilikty and Berel in East Kazakhstan region and finds gold products related to "Scythian art" or art Saki (V-III centuries BC.). For the first time in the history of independent Kazakhstan was a large-scale inventory of national monuments and approved lists of historical and cultural monuments of the republican (218 objects) and local (11 277 objects). Over the years, as a result of its implementation have been studied many archaeological sites of particular historical and cultural significance. In the archives and libraries in Western Europe, the USA, Japan, Turkey, Egypt, China, Russia found valuable sources on the history of Kazakhstan, copies brought into the country.

As a result of research expeditions to China, Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Armenia, as well as in the United States and Western European countries purchased more than 5,000 of the most valuable archival documents, manuscripts and printed books on history, ethnography, art of Kazakhstan previously unknown in the domestic academic circles.

For the first time since independence in Kazakhstan in the framework of the program "Cultural Heritage" initiated the creation of a full-fledged humanitarian fund education in the Kazakh language. Published 537 titles of books sold more than half a million copies, including unique series on history, archeology, ethnography, new encyclopedic dictionaries.

Conducted in-depth studies of music of the Middle Ages, in particular genres such as Kui, historical songs. Released Anthology of Kazakh traditional music "Immortal melodies: 1000 kui , 1000 songs". " This is a grand-scale and unprecedented in the history of national culture work on collection, preparation, processing, restoration, digitization and production of CD-ROM products of Kazakh traditional music in authentic performance.

Successfully implemented foreign projects - restoration of the mausoleum of Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars in Damascus, the mosque of Sultan Baybars in Cairo, the construction of the historical and cultural center and mausoleum of Al-Farabi in Damascus.

Film studio "Kazakhfilm" created 20 documentaries about particularly important historical places and heritage of national culture. These are documentary series like "Cultural Heritage" "Korkyt. History of kui", "Musical Heritage of Nomads","Architectural monuments of the ancient Turkestan","Mausoleum Zhusup Ata"," Petroglyphs Tamgaly "and several others.

The program "Cultural Heritage" implemented measures aimed at the development of the tourism cluster (pilgrimage tourism, historical and archaeological tourism). Archaeologists recommendations used in the development of tourist routes.

The scale of the project is the fact that it involves all the intellectual potential of modern Kazakhstan: academic institutions of art and literature, philosophy, history and ethnography, linguistics etc., the National Library, higher education institutions of the country.

Becoming unprecedented in the history of Kazakhstan's humanitarian action program "Cultural Heritage" opened the wealth of national spiritual treasury of the Kazakh people worldwide.

Overall, the program "Cultural Heritage" has given tangible results and was highly appreciated among our scientific and creative intelligence. The program "Cultural Heritage" has shown us in the right direction in which to move to further explore their roots and show the world the culture and history of our land. Developed several volumes of scientific, artistic and encyclopaedias in the framework of the program "Cultural Heritage", to be used in the content of higher education through the integration of content in additional education (extracurricular classes and activities). Thus, the main goal of our research is to implement the state program of Kazakhstan "Cultural Heritage" by extracurricular activities in museums.

The necessity of making changes in education system has become one of the concerns of the government. Recent reforms have been directed to change educational institutions’ components (Qusaiynov 1999: n/p). According to Regulation of Educational System of Republic of Kazakhstan from June 11, 1999, the importance of cultural heritage of museums in education process is great (Qusaiynov 1999: n/p).Therefore, new steps have been done in order to improve educational system of the country(Abdanova 2013:50). Moreover, these steps are to ensure educational system of the country being able to be competitive within world’s educational institutions (Nazarbayev 2012: n/p).

Currently, cultural values are newly appreciatedby creators of current society and they create a fresh new philosophy and point of view regarding cultural values. In her paper, “Independence and spiritual values: Background of the country’s development,” Omirbekova Aliya addresses several educational reforms which have been undertaken in the country and are directed  at changing educational institutions. The reform seeks to direct the culture of the Kazakh nation to greater prosperity in accordance with the global economy while safe-guarding traditional civilian feature (Altayev, Gabitov, Kasabekov 1998: 176).

In this regard, education reform involves more innovations in some of the major components of education. In particular in the educational component of the program it is necessary to see the content of cultural heritage. Since modern needs in education of Kazakhstan are considered to involve the younger generation to the heritage as spiritual valueof  Kazakh people.

Mainly, it places a great emphasis on the cultural aspects of education, since they contribute to the development of the inner consciousness and spiritual values of people and of their communities and nations. Thus, providing young generations with good interpersonal and intercultural relationships is a fundamental aspect within the regulatory documents. In order to enhance interpersonal relations, particular attention to empathic and spiritual values should be enforced at the school level. Spirituality is a great necessity for individuals and communities. It upgrades any culture and encourages society to step to the future. Therefore, setting educational programs for the young generations and putting cultural values as priorities is essential.Theological Society for Kazakhstan, we consider its cultural heritage. Through the study and promotion of cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, we develop tolerant attitudes toward the culture of other nationalities. Therefore, as a cross-cultural relations, we present the exchange of cultures, finding common value concepts in the tradition, the identification of human values ​​that unite people of different cultures. By the universal values ​​we assign tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual justice, non-violence, love. All these values ​​are in the culture of each nation. Therefore, we must be able to interpret them and to provide for young people. All cultures are united universal, cultural values, namely spiritual. Which is the richness of each culture and is the unity in diversity of different cultures that brings together and integrates all kinds of cultures.

Authenticity youth in intercultural interaction is primarily manifested in the rejection of established norms in society through the personal experience of spiritual values, as in society sometimes distorted understanding of such fundamental concepts as "love", "tolerance", "tradition", for understanding these concepts is looking for young people its meaning through cultural heritage, attitudes of its people and culture of other nations. Therefore the archaeological museum, which represent the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people are the basis for the education of students in spiritual values, love of country, a tolerant attitude towards the culture of different peoples. Many historical, archaeological and architectural objects of great importance for the history of Kazakhstan is not covered completely by young people. So underdeveloped system and methods of study, use of monuments immaterial, spiritual culture since ancient times, Turkic inscriptions, the transformation of traditional myths and images in the works of contemporary authors. In this context, the purpose of educating the younger generation in the spirit of Kazakhstani patriotism and filling gaps in the full study of the historical and cultural heritage, as well as the generalization of centuries-old spiritual experience of Kazakh people are particularly relevant questions promotion of spiritual values ​​through the archaeological museum. Which implies development activities spiritual and educational sphere, preservation and effective use of the cultural heritage of the country.

Museums offer unique learning opportunities and educational experiences that often cannot be found in the traditional classroom archaeology museums for educational processes.

Museum archaeological materials - is not only the primary sources of knowledge, but also cultural and historical, spiritual values. In the archeological museum exhibition is a connection of scientific and museum interpretation of archaeological materials, we are familiar with learners through the out-of-classes. These materials have spiritual value, both in terms of scientific knowledge, and from the common cultural standpoint. Under these conditions, we provide the following directions extracurricular activities:

1. Introduction to the museum materials: historical and cultural artifacts unearthed in the excavations at the parking places and settlements on the territory of Kazakhstan.

2. The study of historical and cultural monuments: the definition of scientific and methodological foundations for their protection, that is conducting research work.

3. Gather information from archives: to collect historical archival information in China, Russia, Central Asia, as well as in other countries near and far abroad.

4. Collection of materials of historical archival research: to organize the works of historians, travelers, scientists and archaeologists.

5. The study of ancient Kazakh books and manuscripts: the collection of data about the architectural monuments on the territory of Kazakhstan and abroad.

6. Create a database of archaeological materials: resource conservation, cultural heritage of Kazakhstan on electronic media.

Implementation of extracurricular activities with students of higher educational institutions on the above areas allow to solve the educational and training objectives. In this regard, the role of archaeological museums in education, science and culture, their influence on the education of youth. Interaction of higher education institution with the museum expands contacts teachers to promote the cultural heritage among students. Conducting extracurricular activities together with employees of the museum among students, organization of meetings with archaeologists allow for spiritual education and socialization.

Thus, archaeological museums play a special role in the spiritual continuity of generations to reflect the era, to turn documents of the history and patterns of cultural activities into the impact on young people to comprehend the eternal values ​​of mankind. So educational opportunities of museums aimed at creating a harmonious intellectual and socially active personality of student. The museum is a place where students not only acquire knowledge, but also take the accumulated historical experience, that forms the scientific and spiritual outlook. 

Following Qaliev Zhabai and Sarsembina Baqytkul (2007), we argue that museums serve to present culture and social values to younger generations. These authors show how educational laws in the Republic of Kazakhstan develop from the Constitution, in accordance with Kazakh history and ethnic traditions. Thus, they are also embedded in the cultural ways of thinking of the Kazakh people, and correspond to their common human values(Kaliev, Sarsembina2007: 5). Since values satisfy human wishes, needs and interests, they correspond toparticular environmentsand communities.Shamshatuly Ibrahim (2002) also claims that cultural values are formed inthe consensus that human communities reach with regards to their environment and the things that surround them and that serve to satisfy their needs (Shamshatuly 2002: 30).

The cultural heritage of a nation reveals itself in its artistic representations. Many of them come to form part of museum collections and, thus, it is beneficial see how museums can become resources within educational programs. According to British scholar Douglas Hamblin, extra-curricular activities can be essential factors in contributing to a syllabus (Hamblin1968: 123).In the case of Kazakh history, a society originating in nomad communities, a solid cultural base became particularly important.Initially, this cultural base was transmitted orally from generation to generation. With the development of cities, museums came to capture the essence of customs and traditions in the artistic representations and artefacts contained in them (Raimkhanova, Katran 2002:3).

Thus, the cultural heritage of Kazakhstan is a reflection of the spiritual and material culture of the nation. It absorbed all the diversity of cultural values of the people living on its territory. Therefore, the study of cultural heritage in Kazakhstan is an important factor in ensuring the unity of the people living in its territory and fostering respect for the Kazakh culture.

Museums are not only scientific and educational institutions. They alsorepresent the historical heritage of the nation. The artistic works and cultural artefacts preserved in museums transmit the values of a certain community in a particular time and place. Thus, they should be an integral component of the educational system, helping to teach and educate young people in the richness of their heritage.  Museum archives can be complementary resources in the education of the young generations, encouraging their interest in art and in the cultural values of the past. From this perspective, museums are spiritual welfare centres. In the education of the young generations, museums are close to folk pedagogy, introducing the history, heritage and socio-political climate of particular communities (Zharykbayev, Kaliev 1995:320) and its genuine customs and traditions (Raimkhanova, Katran 2002: 272).

Museums have taken note of this important, unique, and expansive audience and have begun to create visiting programs designed specifically for educational institutions. These programs address the needs and desires of educators and young people by including unique supplementary learning opportunities like hands-on experiences, engagement with works of art and artefacts, the prospect of learning from museum educators in certain content areas, and an opportunity for socialization.Visits to museums now form part of extra-curricular activities so that students learn more on human interrelationships, about the tribes that populated the territory of Kazakhstan and their kinship relations, about the culture of the steppe dwellers, or about the cities and other historical places of their homeland. These activities can fall within a “Cultural Studies” or “The History of Kazakhstan” syllabus in order to help students to witness diverse ways of life from century to century, varying customs and traditions, every-day social life, national peculiarities and so on. They can also learn about historical changes and their relations to seasonal patterns, region particularities, or behavioural changes in the work patterns of people. For a greater success, it would be necessary to define the didactic conditions of the lectures related to these activities, and guide teachers in the performance of these extra-curricular pedagogical activities. These extra-curricular activities are also aimed at raising the learners’ motivation and to help them develop aesthetic taste and sensitivity, as well a research techniques. In organizing these extra-curricular activities, it is important to plan the appropriate amount of activity and timing.

Museumeducation combines individual and collaborative learning, to foster both individual discovery andsocial learning skills. Museums offer something that the typical classroom cannot: the opportunity for direct engagement with works of art and historical artefacts (Knutson et al. 2011: 310; see also Kratz and Merritt, 2013: 188-195). The implementation of visits to museums can help encourage students’ desire to learn more about the culture, traditions, and history of their country from new point of view. Moreover, museums play a huge role in development of science, society, national culture and ways of thinking, becoming one of the state symbols which specify and differentiate national characteristics. There are about 17,000 archaeological, historical, and cultural artefacts in the Central Museum of Republic of Kazakhstan. Most of them are invaluable monuments that document the history and culture of the country. The majority of the archaeological, historical, and ethnographical collections were gathered in the 19th and 20th-centuries under the supervision of scholars such as Alkei Margulan, Kemal Akishev, Halel Alpysbayev, Mir Kadyrbayev, Karl Baipakov, Zeinolla Samashev, and Zholdas Kurmankulov (Seidimbek 1997: 464). However, many of these studies do not mention the educational and cultural influence of museums, nor the part of museums as educating centres that raise motivation to learn more about cultural heritage and historical monuments, and increase aesthetical feelings.

Satisfying these social demands on a professional level is the main function of museums today. It is clear from the history of the Kazakh nation that the territory has experienced many difficulties during its formation. Archaeology bears witness to these difficulties. Museums offer an introduction to particular aspects of the historical and cultural heritage, covering aspects of geography and territory, showing the close relationship between nature and society, and the particularities of regions and communities. The optional courses described in this paper were organized in the Central State Museum in Almaty.

The Central State Museum is one of the biggest museums in Central Asia. The museum exhibits aredisplayed in four exposition halls: a paleontology and archeology hall; anthropology and ethnography of Kazakhstan; ethnography of the people of Kazakhstan, the Great Patriotic War; and Sovereign Kazakhstan. These halls reflect the history of the country from ancient times up to now. The first hall consists of the paleontology and archaeology collections, with artifacts from over 300 sites throughout Kazakhstan. There are unique osteological materials of particular significance as well as fragments of petrified trees, remains with insect and fish imprints, microscopic endospores and plant pollen, all dating back to several million years. The archeological hall displays present scientific reconstructions of ancient funeral and ceremonial buildings, models of constructions of medieval architecture, and dioramas made with the use of authentic archaeological relics. Museum experts have recreated ceremonial and military ammunition of a famous Issyk Golden Man – Honorable Saks Warrior. The Golden Man was restored by K. Altynbekov, a well-known specialist, as a part of an innovative scientific project of archeologists Kemal and AlisherAkishevs (for more information see the museum website).

"Teaching the Cultural Heritage of Kazakh People in Higher Education by means of Extracurricular Activities in Museums": The museum hosts events in the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy. The Central State Museum also organizes thematic exhibitions, festivals, and meetings.

Thus, we must point out the value of extracurricular activities inthe conditions of museum in teaching cultural heritage of the Kazakh people to youth. Organized lectures, independent work of students, the use of audio-video tutorials are criterion to measure the effectiveness of the program "Cultural Heritage". Extracurricular activities like socializing factor affects the socialization of students through the assimilation of the content of the cultural heritage. In this case, the content of cultural heritage, we consider information about the museum of archaeological materials, which has a great potential in the education and socialization of students. Thus, through extracurricular activities are entered course "cultural heritage" assimilated by the students with the content of the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people. In turn, through the assimilation of cultural heritage materials provided by the success of the process of socialization of students in modern conditions and their self-development as actors and as individuals, the result of which we consider the harmonious spiritual and moral development of the individual student.


1.  Abdanova,Gulbarshyn. “Innovational processes in developing education.”In a world of education, 5 (2013): 48-53 [“Bilim berudi damytu dagyinnovatsialykurdister.”V mire obrazovania  5 (2013): 48-53].

2.  About knowledge.Regulations of Republic of Kazakhstan. (Almaty: Litera 2000).

3.  Altayev,Jakyp, Tursun Gabitov and Amanzhol Kasabekov.Philosophy and Cultural studies.Almaty: ZhetiZhargy, 1998 [Philosophiazhanemadeniettanu. Almaty: ZhetiZhargy, 1998].

4.  Zhogoleva, Oksana "Influence of extra-curricular educational activities of the university in the process of socialization of students": the dissertation of the candidate of sociological sciences: Tyumen: Tyumen State University, 2007.

5.  Zheksembekova, Venera. "Cultural Heritage" program, the results of the implementation of the educational processissues. "Al-Farabi" University scientists "Cultural Heritage" programcontribution to the implementation: achievements and prospects of the "international scientificConference materials. / Ed. AT Toleubayev, KM AtabaevAlmaty; Kazakh University, (2009): 8-1

6.  Omirbekova, Aliya. “The independence and spiritual value: Background of development of country.”Materials from conference devoted to 80th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and 70th anniversary of professor, PhD Moldabekov Zhakan Zhanboluly named “Kazakh studies and national innovation”, (2013): 377-382

7.  Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 15, 2006. №207-III LRK "On Culture" entered in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 12 January, 2012. №537-IV SAM)

[1]To read more about the origins of museums,, specifically concerning their roots in 16th and 17th century curiosity

cabinets, consult former art historian and curator Oliver Impey's 2011 work, The Origins of Museums The Cabinet of

Curiosities in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Europe.


Шашаева Г., Жаппасов Ж.Е., Тасилова Н.А.

Обучение культурного наследия казахского народа в высшем образовании с помощьювнеклассных мероприятий в музеях

В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется духовному и культурному наследию народов. В последние годы политика в области культуры в Казахстане стремятся содействовать материальное и духовное наследие, как внутри страны, так и на международном уровне. Усилия направлены на сохранение этих ценностей в музеях и специализированных учреждений, а также их передачи культурных ценностей в образовательных программах в колледжах и университетах. Эта статья представляет некоторые из этих мер и показывает важную связь между работой в сохранении культурного наследия, разработанной в музеях и образовательных процессов. В связи с этим, Археологический музей материалы являются средством культурного наследия как материальной, так и духовных ценностей, что является важным фактором в образовании.

Ключевые слова: археология, культурные ценности, образование, историческое наследие, музей.


Шашаева Г., Жаппасов Ж.Е., Тасилова Н.А.

Мұражайлардағы сыныптан тыс іс-шараларды пайдаланып ЖОО қазақ халқының мәдени мұрасын оқыту.

Бүгінгі таңда халықтардың рухани және мәдени мұрасына деген қызығушылық өсіп келеді. Соңғы кездері Қазақстандағы мәдениет саласындағы саясатта мемлекет ішінде және халықаралық деңгейде материалдық және рухани құндылықтарды ұштастыруда. Осы бір құндылықтарды мұражай мен арнайы орындарда сақтап қалуға, сонымен қатар мәдени құндылықтарымызды университеттер мен колледждердегі білім беру бағдарламаларына еңгізуге көп көңіл бөлінуде. Бұл мақалада мәдени мұраларымызды сақтап, өскелең ұрпаққа жеткізудің маңызы мен жолдары туралы баяндалған. Білім берудегі маңызды факторлардың бірі болып табылатын археологиялық мұражайлардағы экспонаттар материалдық және рухани бай мұра болып табылады.

Кілт сөздер: археология, мәдени құндылықтар, білім беру, тарихи мұра, музей.

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