
А. ALIMZHANOVA, Сandidate of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor, M. SHAIMERDENOVA, Сandidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


Scientific E-journal «edu.e-history.kz» № 1(17), 2019

Tags: spiritual culture, morality., competence, intellectual level, moral values, specialist, Education
The article is dedicated to the issues of education, upbringing, formation of a professional personality in modern society. The authors reflect on the fact that it is necessary to make the main emphasis placed on the education of the individual not only on the nurturing of a competent specialist with an intellectual level and civic maturity, but it is important to breed a person with high spiritual and moral values. The article highlights the need to study the experience of foreign schools and international school organizations in order to create a synthesis of foreign experience and the best achievements of modern Kazakhstan Pedagogy. Keywords: education, moral values, specialist, competence, intellectual level, spiritual culture, morality.

Introduction: In conditions of modern globalization, when a new type of identity is being put forward - a Citizen of the World, when there is a danger of loss of ethnic identity and uniqueness, we face the topical issue: what is the goal of education in modern society? The first option is to train a highly qualified specialist without nationality, without a soul and without moral values. Or the second option is education of a socially and professionally formed individual, who has the ability not only to master the accumulated potential of knowledge, but also to have creative thinking, potential to target-setting and solving spiritual, moral, and professional tasks. One of the main issues of the modern information society is that the main emphasis lies on the transfer of knowledge, whereas the nurturing of the individual has been considered as a «complement» to it. A strong focus in the education system at all levels is placed on the formation of a competent specialist, while the second task of education - the education and formation of a person, with high spiritual and moral values, is becoming less relevant.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the strategy «Kazakhstan – 2050» emphasizes that the modern world is experiencing an acute worldview and values crisis, that more often voices are heard announcing the confrontation of civilizations, the end of history, the failure of multiculturalism, determines the priorities of socio-cultural development of Kazakhstan society: «We must learn to live in coexistence of cultures and religions. We must be committed to a dialogue of cultures and civilizations. Only withing an open dialogue with other nations our country will achieve success and influence in future». And with regard to that he sets important task - the formation of a new social model and the creation of modern and effective educational systems [Strategiya «Kazakhstan-2050»:... Rezhim dostupa [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. 19.01.2019].

Methodology and research method. The general scientific of historicism and objectivity are taken as the basis of the research methodology of the article’s topic; the research methods were baced on problematic, historical-systemic and comparative methods. The application of these methods made it possible to consider scientific knowledge as an integral system, in which each previous approach indirectly or directly influenced the subsequent one, which together allowed for a systematic series of scientific and theoretical research in the field of modern education in the context of modernizing the public consciousness of young people and its impact on education the formation of a professional personality in modern society. A thorough comparison of historical facts and phenomena in the aggregate allowed a comprehensive study of the problem posed.

Content. The awakening of national self-awareness must begin with the education of the youth - the hope and future of the nation and country. Young people must have a good education, which leads to development a high intellectual level as well as civic maturity. It is necessary to revive the unity of thoughts and desires, which obey the call of honor and restore orderliness. It is necessary for all to unite to save their unique spiritual culture, their native language, their history, their independence.

The inner world of an individual is the main thing, which determines the moral value and moral character of a person. To understand yourself, your place in the world and the meaning of your existence is possible only through an attitude towards other people, towards society. A person lives in a complex world of intersection of natural and social, individual and social, private and collective. Moral education of individuals depends on relationships in society.

In modern society, such negative states and moods as the loss of faith and the decline in the role of religion are growing; disappointment in ideologies and political systems; loss of faith in leaders and top leaders; growing skepticism towards science; a deepening sense of social injustice, against which the notions of love, goodness, truth and conscience fade; the stagnation of art and the penetration into it of various kinds of surrogates, which significantly increases the tendency to lose «eternal» values. The absence of moral ideals and depersonalization of moral norms seriously affects the spiritual condition of the people.

In these new conditions, education receives a special status, being one of the main subjects of socialization and the transmission of knowledge. Modern education is part of the overall social process, on which the destiny of the world largely depends.

1.  The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.A. Nazarbayev, in his «Message to the people of Kazakhstan», emphasizes: «It is important to strengthen the educational component of the learning process. Patriotism, morality, interethnic consensus and tolerance, physical and spiritual development, law-abiding» [Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaeva narodu Kazakhstana…   dostupa [Ehlektronnyi resurs]19.11.2018]. In conditions of a modern technogenic society, a new educational paradigm is needed, which will lead to retaining the important mission of education - the transfer of knowledge, the formation and nurturing an integral harmonious individual, who capable of creating and changing the surrounding world and themselves as well, based on the principles of humanism.

It is a well-known fact that the degree of development of education is an indicator of the level of development of the country, since the prosperity of the country directly depends on the personal and professional development of its citizens, each of whom occupies a special place in socio-economic and cultural-political life. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, in his «Message to the people of Kazakhstan», declares the need for the development of a field of education relevant to world standards; the system approach to the issues of education and upbringing, close attention to the content, main provisions, goals and tasks of the upbringing of the younger generation during the development of the Independent and Law based State, because education and upbringing are the main factors affecting the personal and professional development of individuals [Strategiya «Kazakhstan-2050»:... Rezhim dostupa [Ehlektronnyj resurs]. 19.01.2019].

In this regard, I would like to emphasize the need to study the experience of foreign schools and international school organizations, with the condition of not blind copying, but to create a synthesis of foreign experience and the best achievements of modern Kazakhstan Pedagogy. Thus, we need a balanced, well-grounded approach to the selection of the basic elements of the education system of foreign countries, and we should rely on the one that most fully corresponds to the specific conditions of our country.

Nowadays, the tasks of forming a creative, socially active, highly cultured personality are expected from education system. In this regard, close interaction of theoretical research and practical developments in the field of education, strengthening the teaching and methodological provision of teaching, methodological work, improving the material and technical base, contributing to the development of modern education and improving the quality of the educational process in general.

About high quality education system, you can speak only when its need is realized as a personal value. One of the ways to improve the quality of education is a new paradigm of pedagogy - a person-oriented education that is aimed not only at the process of mastering knowledge for students, but also for the nurturing of an individual, capable of self-education, self-organization, self-development in a dynamically changing world, respecting the development and achievement of various cultures considering his subjective former experience. Person-oriented education involves the ability to extract knowledge from the information received. Each trainee should be able to transform the acquired knowledge into a worldview, through comprehension, emotional experience, and development of personal attitude and readiness of practical application in everyday life. Individualization of teaching, the provision of a certain freedom of choice for the student, increasing the role of independent work in class and extra-curricular time, contributes to strengthening the creative attitude to the process of cognition.

This system assumes a fundamentally new approach to the organization of the educational process, increasing the responsibility of the trainees themselves for the results. It also requires the restructuring of the teaching model, improving teacher’s skills to introduce new, proactive forms of learning, changing his attitude to the content and organization of the class, etc. Thus, a humanistic approach to education is realized when the trainee is viewed as a developing subject.

The transition to a new educational paradigm, providing cognitive activity and independent thinking of students, is one of the main strategic directions in the field of education. The fundamental moment, which is the consolidation of personality-oriented approaches in the organization of the educational process, the recording of the personal characteristics and capabilities of the trainees, involving the implementation of the subject approach in teaching and breeding, within each student is granted with the unconditional right to actively choose and independently design his school life. This significantly changes the role of the teacher: from the carrier of knowledge and methods of activity, he goes on to design an individual model of the child's intellectual and personal development.

A new personality-oriented paradigm of the educational process is a subject-subject relationship, where interaction, partnership and cooperation are playing significant role. This is a dialogue involving mutual, personal development, personal growth, the emergence of new senses and new content. The modern paradigm of Pedagogy, focused on the priority of the personal formation of the student, and hence the teacher - is a dialogue of mutual understanding between the teacher and the student. When there is mutual understanding and creative action, a joyful mood is born, which is one of the instruments of educational influence. The atmosphere of mutual pleasure from communication between the teacher and the student and allows you to awaken the imagination, creative initiative, pushing the learner to an independent search work, gives the student the opportunity to feel himself active in the class, able to express his creative individuality.

Conclusion. The requirement to develop interest in learning is dependent on the use of all internal and external resources. The very nature of the cognitive process is the integrity of the emotional, intellectual and regulative processes. The process of cognition satisfies the intellectual and spiritual needs of a person through multilateral activities in which the unity of thought, emotion, will, attention, imagination finds its active refraction, felt by the learner himself, and the recognition of the person's place and activity in society and nature, in the socio-economic and cultural-political life of the country.


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1Т. Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Өнер академиясының профессоры, философия ғылымдарының кандидаты, қауымдастырылған профессор, Қазақстан, Алматы. E-mail: asha.001@mail.ru.

Т. Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық Өнер академиясының профессоры, тарих ғылымдарының кандидаты, қауымдастырылған профессор

Қазақстан, Алматы. E-mail: mena_MS@mail.ru.



Мақалада білім беру, тәрбиелеу, қазіргі заманғы қоғамда кәсіптік тұлғаны қалыптастыру мәселелері талқыланады. Авторлар адамның білімін тек интеллектуалды деңгейде және азаматтық жетілуімен құзыретті маманның қалыптасуына ғана емес, жоғары рухани және адамгершілік құндылықтары бар адамның қалыптасуына басты назар аудару керек. Мақалада шет елдік мектептердің және халықаралық мектеп ұйымдарының шетелдік тәжірибе мен заманауи қазақстандық педагогиканың үздік жетістіктерін синтездеу мақсатында тәжірибе жинақтау қажеттілігі туралы айтылады.

Түйін сөздер: білім беру, адамгершілік құндылықтары, маман, құзыреттілік, интеллектуалдық деңгей, рухани мәдениет, адамгершілік.


1 Кандидат философских наук, ассоциированный профессор,

профессор Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т.Жургенова

E-mail:asha.001@mail.ru. Казахстан, г. Алматы.

Кандидат исторических наук, ассоциированный профессор,

профессор Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т.Жургенова

E-mail:mena_MS@mail.ru. Казахстан, г. Алматы.



 Статья посвящена вопросам образования, воспитания, формирования профессиональной личности в современном обществе. Авторы размышляют о том, что необходимо основной акцент в воспитании личности делать не только на формирование компетентного специалиста, имеющего интеллектуальный уровень и гражданскую зрелость, но важно формирование личности с высокими духовно-нравственными ценностями. В статье особо подчеркивается о необходимости изучения опыта зарубежных школ и международных школьных организаций для создания синтеза зарубежного опыта и лучших достижений современной казахстанской педагогики.

Ключевые слова: образование, нравственные ценности, специалист, компетентность, интеллектуальны уровень, духовная культура, нравственность.

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