Date of birth: April 21, 1965.
Academic ranks, degrees, activities:
Professor at European University at St. Petersburg.
Doctor of Historical Sciences (2008), Professor (2013).
Doctoral dissertation topic: "Ethnographic knowledge and nation-building in Central Asia: the issue of the Sarts in the XIX - early XXI century" (specialty - 07.00.07 "Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology").
Languages: Russian, English.
Research interests:
Anthropology. Ethnic relations in Central Asia.
1. Soviet kishlak: Between colonialism and modernization. M.: New Literary Review, 2015, 720 p.
2. Nationalisms in Central Asia: In Search of Identity. St. Petersburg: Aleteya, 2007.
3. Die sartenproblematik in der Russischen geschichtsschreibung des 19. und des ersten viertels des 20. jahrhunderts / ANOR, 18. Halle/Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2007