


Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz» № 4(12), 2017

Теги: metallurgy., mineralogy, geology, scientist
Annotation Kanysh Imantaevich Satbayev - a scientist, a prominent public figure. He is also the founder and top researchers all major fields of Kazakhstan. The range of of academician interests KISatpaev was unusually wide and goes beyond the natural sciences. He was a great connoisseur of Kazakh history, literature, culture, ethnography, music and folklore, generally known of his archaeological research on the territory of Central Kazakhstan, as well as writings on pedagogy and literature.

Great personalities are full of details and consistent research about their biography and activities so that they can take their place in the minds and spiritual life of future generations.

  The pride of the Kazakh people, the first academician, the founder of mining science in the country  - Kanysh Imantayuly Satpaev. An encyclopedic expert who made a great contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's science and one of the world's favorite children is Kanysh Imantayuly  Satbaev, a well-known and respected world-famous person.

  President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev said: "If you start with Al-Farabi, who was a talented person of our time, and contributed to the world civilization, about 500 years ago, to Muhammad Haidar Dulati, these people are big for our nation value, as well as Abay and Shokan. There are many brothers and sisters. And our duty is to show that these names are worthy of today's independence and the pride of our nation is the pride of mankind . The head of state noted that K.I. Satpayev was one of the talented children of the Kazakh people of the 20th century.

  The scientist is the first geological engineer, the father of Kazakh science, who left a huge scientific legacy. Founder of the Scientific School of Geologists of Kazakhstan . The five-volume work of the scientist was published in 1967-1970. Most of the works of Academician K.I. Satpaev are devoted to the geology of ore deposits and mineral resources of Kazakhstan. The scientist plays a big role in determining the principles of building mineral maps, which is one of the founders of metallogeny science in the Union and the founder of the Kazakh mining school.

  In the early nineties the problem of development of ferrous metallurgy in Kazakhstan raised the issue of building a large metallurgical plant in the country. At that time in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR at the Institute of Geology of the Kazakh Philological Institute, on the initiative of K.I. Satbayev was told about the introduction of geological and economic characteristics of iron and manganese wastewater in Kazakhstan and further expansion of the raw material base of the future metallurgical plant. Kanysh Imantayuly  together with his colleagues took part in the work of the governmental commission for the construction of the plant in 1942. They chose the Temirtau basin in the suburbs of Karaganda. At the same time, a scientific and technical council was established, which coordinates the work of all research institutions in the country.

  The Academy of Sciences of the USSR, dedicated to the defense needs of Kazakhstan, the Urals, the resources of Western Siberia in the Great Patriotic War. Komarov's commission has proved that in Kazakhstan it is necessary to create many sectors of heavy industry, and in his work, K.I. Satpayev was also active. In 1942, Kanysh Imantayuly was awarded the USSR State Prize for his merits in the "Zhezkazgan District of the Kazakh SSR" Fields, which was considered difficult. In August of the same year, he received the degree of geological and mineralogical sciences for his outstanding contribution to scientific and scientific organization.

  The period of the Great Patriotic War was a sharp period of growth for the Kazakh branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. "A significant growth of philological scientific work was observed during the Great Patriotic War, when our country fought against a brutal enemy,"  wrote  Satpayev. Many large defense factories moved to Kazakhstan in those years, Kazakhstan became a powerful arsenal of deliveries of metal, weapons and food, Kazan helped the defense industry to find all the republic's resources for the defense of the country.

  It is well known that on June 1, 1946 a very important event was a great breakthrough in the development of science and culture of the Kazakh people in the life of the republic. The Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR was established, its first president was K.I. Satpayev. During the research center of the republic there were more than 1500 people, including 78 doctors and professors, about two hundred candidates of science. At the same time, the number of Kazakh scientists has increased, among them 12 doctors and more than thirty candidates of science.

  According to K.Satpayev, the 20-year history of Kazakhstan science until 1932-1951. It can be divided into three stages: 1932-1940, 1941-1945, 1946-1951.

  The Academy of Sciences - a system of various specialized scientific institutions integrated into a single organizational structure, made it possible to comprehensively study a wide range of vital issues for the national economy of Kazakhstan. In 1951, the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR became the largest integrated center of the republic. The Academy has 12 sectors, in which 20 institutions are integrated into four departments. The Academy also includes 8 integrated research bases, observatories, the republican botanical garden, the fundamental scientific library, the publishing of scientific journals and monographs, etc. In 1951 the Academy had 55 scientific institutions, employing more than 200 people, of which 64 doctors , 275 candidates and more than 200 graduate students, this time was noted as an era of science. In recent years, the focus of the research work of the Academy of Sciences has focused directly on a comprehensive study of the problems of developing industrially significant regions, increasing most of the complex national economic problems.

  For Kanysh Imantayuly, the main content of his life was an endless love for his homeland - the scientist was an effective tool for the rapid growth of the national economy and culture. Melnikov considered it important to maintain constant contact with science and practice and take into account the interests of production. He considered science a powerful source of development for our country .

  Satpayev's role was great. He was a great man, from the beginning of the 80s, right up to the very end of his life, he directly participated in the training of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR and the mining profession and brought up many students. Academician, D.V. Nalivkin: "There is no separate role in the history of the people." Sometimes, even once in a hundred years, a person can be born who is proud, bright or proud of his own. Kanysh Imantayuly became the true leader of science. Whatever he did, no matter how much he worked, he always had an irresistible leadership and increased value of the work. At this special place, he worked until the last days of his life. Being a seriously ill person, he spared his last strength. “In this position - the head of Kazakhstan's science died in his office”, he recalled

  He left a deep mark in the history of geology and metallogeny of Kazakhstan, with his many years of fruitful work. Due to the special purpose of the work and its collective implementation - the presence of a center of management in the beginning of 1953, a lot of materials were collected and analyzed in Central Kazakhstan. In 1954, the first maps layout and systematized metallogenic forecast maps were completed. In 1954, K. Satpaev wrote: "The metallogenic forecast map should be the peak of our concept of geology and metallogeny in every region." This is how the Kazakhstan School of Metalogy is born. This was the first metallogenic forecast map in the world. For the preparation and development of the methodological basis of metallogenic forecast maps in 1958  A group of scientists from Kazakhstan led by K.I. Satpayev received a Lenin Prize.

  At the initiative of the academician, he has done a lot of work to explore the natural mineral resources of the Mangyshlak, Mugarzhar and Turgai wells to provide water and building materials for the areas where the virgin lands are developing. The contribution of the scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic to the development of virgin and fallow lands was highly appreciated by the Soviet government, and in 1957, many of them received high government awards and K. Satpaev was awarded the third Order of Lenin

  Zhezkazgan is a deposit known as Satpayev. The scientist has not only left the Big Zhezkazgan, the Institute of Geological Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR as a monument to his creative way of life, as well as the results of his diligent work and the wide range of works he has now seen in every area of ​​the highly developed national economy of the country - the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, Sokolov - the Sarbaibinsk plant, the Atasu iron ore, the Altai deposits, the phosphate of Karatau and the development of polymetallic deposits. The city is a sophisticated idea of ​​a scientist In the new city there is a museum on copper production and the history of the region, which tells about the history of the ancient history of the region, one of which is devoted to the great work of Satpayev Ulytau treasure (K.I. Satpayev  is located in an old house in Karsakpai, a residence of a scientist memorial historical museum)

  The academician's post-geological heritage was closely linked to national culture, literature, and art. He was too early involved in art, and left a vast multifaceted treasure in every field of academics. One of those rich treasures was his work in literature and art. His educated democrats of the Kazakh people of the XIX century - the first scientist of our nation Sh. Valikhanov, the founder of the Kazakh written literature. There are works about Kunanbayev, educator - teacher Y. Altynsarin. In 1927, the scientist published a book called "Yer Yedige" from the People's Union of the USSR in Moscow, where he studied the works of poet writers on different topics. The book is a text and a scientific introduction to the poem of Yedige Batyr. Shokan Valikhanov and Professor P.M. The new version of the Kazakh language on the basis of the new orthography of the Kazakh language was reminiscent of the Arabic and Tatar words in the text of the variant of Yedige Batyr's melody published by Meloryan.

  Doctor of Philology, Professor T. Zhanuzakov: "His reason is Yedige" and many others. Reminds you that the language and culture of the native language is the main fact that each of them is the source of support and support for the language and literature that he created during his presidency. it is the duty of the people of the nation. Actually, Academician KI Satpaev has a great contribution to the study of the native language, the collection of materials on ethnography, the development of the Kazakh language and history, the preservation of the richness of the language, the collection of old words in the country and the literary language. Every year the scientist collects and analyzes the names of the land in the country and annually is the source of the organization and conduct of scientific expeditions. He was a scientist who collected historical materials and archaeological, ethnographic, folklore expeditions while studying oral history. The study of the history, culture and literature of the Kazakh people for the benefit of the public reader is a theoretical and practical part of the scientific legacy of the 20th century - the great man, the scientist Kanysh Imantayuly Satpaev.

  The scientist was a great son of the Kazakh people, who did not spare his forces for people, calling on science and education, art and civilization. Thanks to his care, young people who turned to science were awarded the title of "Candidates of Science and Doctor".

  A well-known scientist, prominent public figure, leader of Kazakhstan's science - honorary figure Kanysh Imantayuly Satpayev did a great job for his people and left a rich heritage without leaving it. That's why, at the end of the 20th century, people called it "Man of the Century".


1.Kanysh Satbayev. Ensyklopediya.- Almaty: «Kazakh ensyklopediya», - 2011. – 664p + 40 p differ colorful  pictures

2.Kazakhstan Ulttyk ensyklopediyasy.- 7 tom. –Almaty: Kazakh ensyklopediysynyn bas redaksyasy,- 2005.,- 728p.

3.Kanysh Imantayuly Satpayev.Kazakhstan galymdarynyn byblyographyalary. – Almaty: Kazakh SST gylym baspasy. – 1989. – 159 p.

4.Alzhanov T.M. Satpayeva M.K.  Kanysh Satpayev Kazakh elynyn tulgasy. – Almaty: Gylym gylymy baspa ortalygy., - 2002. -164p.

5.Nalyvkyn D.V.// Academyc K.I. Satpayev.- Almaty., Gylym baspasy.- 1965. 39-40p

6.Sarseke M.Dara Daryn. Roman- esse.- Astana: Folyant,2008.-484p.

7.Zhanuzakov T. Kazakhstan gylymnyn atasy. // K.I. Satpayev zhane kazakhstannyn kogamdyk gylymdary.- Almaty., Gylym baspasy.-142p.

Қозғамбаева Г.Б., Егизбаева М.К.


Мақалада Қаныш Имантайұлы Сатпаев – ғалым, белгілі қоғам қайраткері, тау кен ісінің негізін қалаушы, әрі Қазақстандағы кең орындарын тауып, зерттеуші  ірі ғалымның еңбек жолы мен қызметі туралы қамтылған.  Қ.И.Сәтбаевтың танымдық диапазоны жаратылыстану ғылымымен ғана шектелмеді, ғалым артынан ғылымның қай саласы болмасын  мол мұра қалдырған. Академиктің  геологиядан кейінгі рухани мұрасы ұлттық мәдениет, әдебиет, қазақ этнография және өнермен тығыз байланысты, көпшілікке белгілі педагогика мен әдебиет саласындағы еңбектері бар.

 Түйін сөздер: ғалым, геология, минералогия, академия, қара металургия

Козгамбаева Г.Б., Егизбаева М.К.


Каныш Имантаевич Сатпаев - ученый, видный общественный деятель. Он является и основоположником, и ведущим научным исследователем всех крупных месторождений Казахстана. Диапазон интересов академика К. И. Сатпаева был необычайно широк и выходил за рамки естественных наук. Он был большим знатоком казахской истории, литературы, культуры, этнографии, музыки и фольклора, общеизвестны его археологические изыскания на территории Центрального Казахстана, а также труды по педагогике и литературе.

Ключевые слова:ученый, геология, минералогия, металургия

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