
Bagzhan Saynova


Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz» № 4(12), 2017

"MATERIALS ON KIRGIZ LAND USE ..." AS SOURCE ON THE ECONOMIC HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN. This article analyzes the source called "Materials Kirghiz (Kazakhs) land use..." of the late XIX - early XX century. Topicality of the theme of investigation is that «Materials on Kyrgyz land using» introduces code of statistical materials which consists of 27 volumes, and it is invaluable source in investigation ethnical history of Kazakh people, peculiarities of Kazakh traditional economy. It discusses the methodology of research and analysis of the important source of Kazakh history "Materials of Kyrgyz land use ...", proposed methods of research and testing, classification and analysis in accordance with the science of sources and methods of application in specific historical studies. Keywords: source, science of sources, analysis, method, statistics, ethnos, structure.

This article analyzes the source called "Materials Kirghiz (Kazakhs) land use..." of the late XIX - early XX century. Topicality of the theme of  investigation is that «Materials on Kyrgyz land using» introduces code of statistical materials  which consists of  27 volumes, and it is invaluable source in investigation ethnical history of Kazakh people, peculiarities of Kazakh traditional economy.

It discusses the methodology of research and analysis of the important source of Kazakh history "Materials of Kyrgyz land use ...", proposed methods of research and testing, classification and analysis in accordance with the science of sources and methods of application in specific historical studies.

Keywords: source, science of sources, analysis, method, statistics, ethnos, structure.

The socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan in the end of the ХІХ century and the beginning of the ХХ centuryis characterized by disintegrationof the traditional Kazakh economy,formation of capitalist relations anddeepening of social differentiation. Kazakhstan's economy has been developing unevenly.

Each region on the territory of Kazakhstan differed from each other by different natural-climatichistorical conditions, also by the levelof railways and marketsdevelopment, farms and the location of cultural centers.

In 1904-1905the tsarist government divided Kazakhstan’s territoryinto 5 resettlement areas: Ural-Turgai, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Syrdarya and Zhetysu. In1904-1906 in all the above-mentioned areaswere opened district resettlement institutions. Thus, in the first years of the ХХ century appeared a system of strictly centralized resettlement institutions which seized the lands of the Kazakhs and filled the "Resettlement Fund".

Created resettlement institutions in the administrative structure, content and performed responsibilities of officialshave become the colonial authorities. The main objectives of the district and regional institutions were:

1) to find "surplus" ofland in use by the local population;

2) preparation of land for settlers;

3) organization of service groups created for the distribution of lands;

4) timely provision of state assistance to needy migrants;

5) solution of disputable issues arising between immigrants and local residents.

The administrative authorities tried to put at the head of such institutions people who were able to conduct imperial policy. After the expedition to the Kazakh lands of the research group of F.Shcherbin, under the pretext that it allocated more lands to the Kazakhs, new research expeditions were sent to the surveyed districts under the leadership of V. Kuznetsov, A. Perepletchikov, P.A. Hvorostanskii.

  It is necessary to consider in more detailthe origin of the 7 tome source of the "MKLU" on Turgai and Uralregions, which appeared as a source in the result of the 1904-1912 y.y. studies of statistical parties created by the tsarist government to identify "surplus" lands for immigrants. Their organization was different from the expeditions conducted by F. Shcherbin.We consider it right to analyze the prerequisites, aims and objectives of the organization of parties and research methods inTurgai and Ural regions as they influenced the content of the “MKLU”.

Before the creation and start of the work of statistical parties for the exploration ofTurgai and Ural regions, the statistician A.A. Kaufman traveled to these regionsand prepared a general research plan. He writes about this in the "Report ...": "At my suggestion, the Minister of Agriculture and State Property,sent with methe head of the Turgai temporary partyL.N. Tsabel to the Ural regionlocated near Turgai region." The main purpose of this trip was to seize lands for Russian settlers and organize research for this purpose.So, inUralskcitywas organized a meetingwhere L.N. Tsabel, lieutenant-general K.N. Stavrovsky – the military governor-general of the region, vice-governor K.A. Tarasenko and others took part. This meeting made the following conclusions:

a) to register the main elements of the economy and home life of the Kyrgyz people, in particular to determine the land cultivation and livestock care;

b) according to the type of land use by Kazakhs to divide them into groups and with the help of researchers to determine the boundaries of the territories of used lands; to determine the quality and fertility of the soil in specialized laboratories through analysis;

c)  to divide the studied areas into districts according to the natural homogeneity and approve land use norms for each district;

d) the most difficult and complex task was to determine the land norm for Kazakhs.

After the meeting in order to determine the "surplus" in the Ural region the participants approved the Turgai research expedition and  planned to allocate assistants, necessary people and tools for the head. As for the methods of the conducted works, first of all, the topographers examined the Kazakh settlements and borders, while the statisticians conducted observations in the region. According to the results of preliminary studies the party members have drawn up a general concept of volosts and districts, defined the convenience of the territories of this region for settlers and the importance for further colonization. 

A.A. Kaufman calculated the costs, the necessary amount of financial resources for the Turgai-Ural statistical expedition:

1) for preliminary geobotanical studiesit is necessary to involve anexperienced specialist, as the study of the soil layer of the region, the determination of its fertility or unsuitability are very hard work.The minimum cost of its wages and transfers is at least 3000 rubles;

2) for soil analysis - 10 complete analyzes of 75 rubles and 30 non-complete analyzes of 30-35 rubles, a total of 1750 rubles;

3) in the case of the organization of vegetative experiments - the invitation of a laboratory assistant of a specialized institution and a guard will require additional 300 rubles;

4) according to the rules, the necessary equipments for conducting meteorological observations were sent by the Head Physical Observatory for free, but the delivery of this equipment was carried out for a very long time and in order to accelerate this process it was necessary to allocate a certain amount of finance; in the opinion of Professor P.I. Braunov, it was necessary to acquire the following equipment for each settlement: a rain gauge (20 rubles), a heliograph (24 rubles), a weather vane (26 rubles), an aneroid (27 rubles), a small Asroman psychrometer (60 rubles); the set of equipments necessary for one settlement was approximately 157 rubles; for all settlements 1100 rubles; ... for the organization of the work it is necessary to invite an instructor with a salary of 1000 rubles,for the organization of 7 stations – 500 rubles; for observersin each station – 180 rubles. In total 1260 rubles.

5) determination of the fertility of different soils, monitoring of crop growth, sowing of crops in 10 settlements on 3 desiens of land in each:for processing of each tithe of land – 10 rubles, seeds for sowing - up to 6 rubles, for sowing - 2 rubles. for harvesting – 8 rubles. In general for 1 tithe of land – 26 rubles, for 30 tithes – 780 rubles.

In total, for the studyaccording to the calculations of A.A. Kaufman, the costs were to be 20,000 rubles. It is also clear that if from the very beginning the research party on the survey of the Ural region was established separately from the Turgai region,the financial expenses would be much larger. The empire aimed at killing two birds with one stone, exploring two regions with one party.

To determine land "surplus" by the temporary party of the Turgai regionand conduct research works to study the natural-historical and economic situation of the closely located Aktyubinsk and Ural districts of the Uralregion, the Department of State Land Property issued a designation №8847 from June 15, 1994. The first research works were carried out in the Ural district of the Ural region in 1904-1906. Statistical counting works were carried out in 2 years. On the basis of a short program in 1904, preliminary studies were conducted in the districts of Zhirenkopen, Karaagach and Karachaganak. In 1905, after the acception of a special extended programthe remaining counties were investigated.

The study of the source documents of the "MKLU" devoted to this regionshows that the Turgai-Urals research expeditions relied heavily on the program and methodology of F. Shcherbin, but the peculiarity of the workis that too little attention has been paid to tribal structures, as there isno tables on this issue.

In the broad steppe and mountainous areas, desert and forest zones of Kazakhstan, various types of farms have been developing. At the end of the ХІХ century- at the beginning of the ХХ century due to various natural conditions and the level of historical development there were specific features of farming.

Having grouped suchpeculiarities, it is possible to distinguish three types of farms: 1) animal husbandry in nomadic conditions; 2) animal husbandry in conditions of semi-nomadic way of life, agriculture around winterings; 3) animal husbandry and agriculture in conditions of settled life.

In his work, the historian B. Suleimenov divided the territory of Kazakhstan at the end of the ХІХ century and the beginning of the ХХ century into two zones: a) the first - north, north-west, south-east, in this region the population mainly engaged in livestock and agriculture; b) the second - the population of most of the central territories, the south and the south-west, engaged mainly in livestock breeding [1].

  On the basis on the stored data in the "MKLU" it is possible to obtain valuable information about the traditional livestock breeding, agriculture and crafts of Kazakh people. The main purpose of the expedition was to determine the necessary amount of land for Kazakh farms, therefore, first of all, the researchers studied the types of farms and calculated the necessary amount of land and equipments. In accordance with the peculiarities of natural conditions, the economies of each county were considered separately [2].

In "MKLU" very valuable informationrefuting the view that the Kazakhs did not develop agriculture and Russian mentaught them to this occupationis preserved. For example, in the source devoted to Chimkent county it is written that 83.38% of the population was sedentary and only 16.62% - led a nomadic way of life. About this: "... although the Kirgiz (Kazakhs) in the Shymkent county are considered to be nomads, nevertheless they are provided with croplands much higher than the average peasant family in European Russia" [3]. In the ancestry table of genera and tribes of Akmola County it is stated that here mainly representatives of the Argyn clan lived. Branches are represented. From his senior wife: Kuandik, Suyundik, Begendik, Shegendik, from younger wife: Shubyrtpaly (Toktauyl) Zhalykpas, Kambar, from female slave: Bolatkozha (Karakesek) and godson Karzhas. FromKuandyk: the genuses of Esenkart, Altai, Karpyk, Burchi, Temesh. According to the table descendants of Esenkart are following: Kalkamantsy lived at Esim volost, Agys at Sherubai-Nura volost, Altai descendants: Moin-Rahmanul, the descendants of Murat and tribes Sangay - Akbura, Tokbura, Baybura inhabited Akmola, Spassky, Sherubai - Nura volosts. Other Argyn genuses inhabited Nurinskii, Zhylandinsky, Monshaktinsky, Korzhynkolsky and Yeremensky volosts. The Kipchaks inhabited the Yesim, Akmola, Jylandinsky, Monshaktinsky, Kyzyltausky, Kyzyltopyraksky, Nurinsky volosts [4].

  A.G. Serebrennikov’s work "Collection of materials on the history of Turkestan and its conquest" is kept in the State Archives of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Fund№715 (Case 72) in 74 volumes. In the given work there are valuable sources relating to the socio-economic, tribal and political history of the Kazakhs of the Syrdariya region. Itreports about "the occupation of the Kazakhs of the Senior Zhuz by agriculture and horticulture,grain and milletharvesting, and about profits from their sales."

Taking into account that the source refers to the 40-70th years of the ХІХ century, then there is no necessarity to prove that agriculture was developed in the Syrdarya region before the resettlement of Russian peasants.

  Agriculture was much better developed in the Syrdarya region than in the Steppe regions. According to the statistical tables,in the Shymkent County were grownsummer wheat, autumn wheat, oats, rye, millet, corn, rice, cotton, sesame, melon, lentils, barley, peas.

According to the source, the Kazakhs of this district, in order to preserve the fertility of the land, sowed wheat in the first year, oats for the second year, and other crops for the third year. The alternation of crops in agriculture preserves the soil from soil erosion. Also,Kazakhs cultivated the land with a plow and collected the harvest with a sickle. In the "MKLU" devoted to the Atbasar County the researchers compare the plow with the goose's paw and additionally report:"... On the upper side it was made of wood, and puton a hand-made"tyz"in the lower rounded right corner. Tyz means a tooth. On the "tyz" harnessed a pair of bulls, horses or camels and thus cultivated the ground to a depth of two inches."

  The wide spread of agricultureamong the Kazakhs led to the reduction of such types of economy as nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle. As A. Bukeikhanov noted, in the Kazakh steppe peoplewere not engaged in large-scale agriculture due to the ecological factors. Agriculture has developedadditionally to nomadic cattle-breeding and it would not be right to judge Kazakh lazinessnot taking into account natural conditions, as Russian officials did[5].

The vast territory of Kazakhstan from ancient times inhabited by Kazakh people, due the natural-climatic conditionswere engaged in nomadic cattle breeding. In all regions of Kazakhstan, all the main types of domestic animals (horse, cattle, sheep, camel) were bred. The number of animals varied from the natural conditions of the area. Nevertheless, taking into account the rich experience in the cattlebreedingby Kazakh people, they were able to use the geographical environment correctly for economic interests. Therefore,even in nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding, there can be met many local differences.

In "MKLU" it is indicated that when counting farms, were usedanimal names according to their age names. This, in its turn, increased the objectivity of the census. Since, the registrars askedeach Kazakh the total number of cattle, then slowly redistributed them by age, and thus revealed shortcomings in the number of cattle that were intentionally hidden by the owners.

According to the results of F. Shcherbin's expedition, each average Kazakh family needed 24livestock units. According to information in the tables collected in the MKLU, one farm needed the following number of cattle: in the Omsk County - 25, in the Atbasar County - 25, Pavlodar County - 25, Kustanai County - 21.7, Kokchetav County - 19,9, Aktobe County - 18.2.

In the statistical tables for the auls kept in the MKLU, in the Aktyubinsk Countyof the Bortinsk volost in the Tama clan, the percentage of cattle was as following: cattle - 43.1%, sheep-32.7%, horses - 18, 1%, goats - 3.4%, camels - 2.6%.

P. Skryplevcompared the studies of land-surveyors carried out in the Syrdarya region  with the data of the investigations of the county districts of Steppe regions by F. Scherbin. In the source of the "MKLU", the number of cattle and the volume of arable land in two different geographic areas were taken into account.

Since ancient times, Kazakh tribes, engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, roamed the established routes in their known territories. Leaders of tribes, aksakals, old men and noble people of the aulwere kind of aul managers who solved land issues and defined the boundaries of migrations in order to avoid any conflicts. Therefore, each farm has tried to strictly observe the outlined boundaries and to make sure that no animal will cross the border.

In general, in Atbasar and Omsk districts the number of cattle is the most prevalentin comparison with Shymkent County. On the contrary, special is the fact that donkeys were used as a horse transportin the southern regions. Along with this, the sources prove the fact that in the Shymkent County people were engaged in both agriculture and nomadic cattle breeding.

Traditional Kazakh cattle breeding, based on nomadism and a thousand-years practice and in accordance with the seasons there were formed the "rules of nomadism", and all pastures were divided into winter, spring, summer and autumnpastures. All year round the livestock kept on natural pastures. In order to provide cattle with pastures, the Kazakhs formed the order of pasture use for the seasons formed by centuries. Every year each  clan or aul wandered along the beaten roads and the routes laid by the ancestors, roamed near well-known wells and rivers, in winter settledin the area that was used every winter. Each clan or tribe, formed their own way for roaming, adhering to a certain geographical circle. The choice of a place for settling was connected with a lot of factors: traditions, socio-economic and political situation. The methods of using the pastures were determined by peculiarities of the natural environment.For example, in the summerareas with cool air, near rivers and forest lands were selected, in winter - places from the sunny side, and areas sheltering from wind and piercing cold of snowstorm. Territory of roaming was different. A significant number of cattle required a large amount of feed. Therefore, the range of migrations expanded in proportion to the number of cattle.

Summarizing, we can say that the “MKLU” presents a lot of valuable, high-quality and reliable information about the traditional farming and agriculture of Kazakhs. This type of source differs from other statistical sources in that it keeps information of a different nature. The information was collected by organizing expeditions that conducted special investigations.


1.  Сулейменов Б. Аграрный вопрос в Казахстане в последней трети ХІХ–  начале ХХ вв. (1867– 1907 гг.).  – Алма–Ата: АН КазССР, 1963. – С. 411.

2.  Материалы по киргизскому землепользованию в Сырдарьинской области. –  Чимкентский уезд. –  Т. 1. –  Ташкент., 1908. –  С. 643.

3.  МКЗ. – Т. 2. – Вып. 1. –  Чимкентский уезд. –  Ташкент., 1910. – С. 277.

4.  Материалы по киргизскому землепользованию района реки Чу и низовьев реки Таласа Черняевского и Аулиеатинского уездов Сыр–Дарьинской области. – Ташкент: Типо– Литография В.М. Ильина, 1915. – м– ф.

5.  МКЗ. –  Т.II. –  Акмолинская область. Атбасарский уезд. –  Воронеж, 1902. – С. 534.

Сайынова Б.

«Материалы по киргизскому землепользованию...» как источник по экономической истории Казахстана.

В настоящей статье рассматриваются «Материалы по киргизскому землепользованию...» как исторический источник по истории Казахстана конца ХІХ - нач. ХХ века. "МКЗ" представляют собой свод статистических материалов, состоящий из 27-ми томов, который является бесценным источником в исследовании этнической истории казахского народа, особенности казахского традиционного хозяйства.

Это материалы исследований статистических и  исследовательских экспедиций проведенных с целью колонизации территории Казахстана царской Россией в конце ХІХ в. – начале ХХ в. Несмотря на то что эти документы были источником для колониальной политики, они также являются ценным источником по структуре родо-племенного состава, хозяйственной, экономической, социальной истории и других  аспектов жизни казахов того периода.

Ключевые слова: источник, источниковедение, анализ, метод, статистика, этнос, структура.

 «Қырғыздардың (Қазақтардың) жер пайдалану материалдары...» - Қазақстанның экономикалық тарихының дерек көзі ретінде

Бұл мақалада «Қырғыздардың (Қазақтардың) жер пайдалану материалдары...» Қазақстан тарихының маңызды дерек көзі ретінде қарастырылады.

Қырғыздардың (Қазақтардың) жер пайдалану материалдары...» статистикалық мәліметтерден жинақталған 27 томнан тұрады, ол қазақ халқының этникалық тарихын, дәстүрлі шаруашылығының ерекшеліктерін зерттеудің маңызды дерек көзі болып табылады.

Онда қазақ тарихының маңызды дерек көзі болып табылатын «Қырғыздардың жер пайдалану материалдарын...» зерттеу мен талдау методикалары мен тәсілдері көрсетіліп, деректану ғылымының талаптарына сай зерттеу мен сыннын өткізудің, сыныптау мен талдаудың әдістері мен оны нақты тарихи зерттеулерде пайдалану тәсілдері ұсынылған. Сонымен қатар статистикалық зерттеулерді ұйымдастырған, деректі құрастырған авторлар, олардың көзқарастары талданған.

Түйін сөздер:дерек, деректану, талдау, әдіс, статистика, этнос, құрылым. 

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