Главная » Материалы » ӘОЖ 94 (5) Territorial location and cities of Oguzes

Omarbekov T.O. professor of Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, Al-Farabi KazNU, Koshymova A.O. 2nd year PhD student of Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, Arystanbekova K.D. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Pre-University

ӘОЖ 94 (5) Territorial location and cities of Oguzes

Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz» № 4(08)

Oguzes play a significant role not only in the history of Kazakh, but in the history of many nations. Their relationship intersects not only in terms of ethnic, as well as in terms of territorial conflicts. In this regard, this article will discuss the territorial location of Oguzes, its territory, as well as cities of the state of Oguz, including Zhanakent, which is the capital, Zhent, and many cities of great importance located along the river Syr. In addition to this, many viewpoints that the city Kumiyan is related to Oguzes will be discussed. The author concludes that the above mentioned cities can be an evidence of the fact that Oguzes while living in the territory of Kazakhstan, had a distinctive impact on the formation of Kazakh nation and Kazakh Khanate.

According to the description of ruler of Hiua Abulghazi Bakhadur, who is well-know Turk historian, Oguzes, who migrated from Altay to Zhetisu, from Zhetisu to the river Syr, occupied the following territory: “On the south of Oguzes there is Ysygh Lake and Almalyk, on the west – Sairam, Kazyghurt and Karazhyk mountains, on the north – the end flow of the river Syr, Yanakent, and Karakum. They lived in this mentioned territory for four thousand, five thousand years. The ruler was elected from the tribe with more population” /1, 21 page/. We know from the history that the authority of Oguzes was great, therefore, their territory was known as “Steppe of Oguzes”. In the beginning of the 9th century Oguzes united with Kimaks and Karluks in the fight against Kanghar-Pecheneg community, and occupied the territory of middle and low flow of the river Syrdariya, as well as Aral area. In the end of the 9th century they were in alliance with Khazars in the fighting against Pechenegs, which resulted in their occupation of the territory between  Volga and Zhaiyk rivers. In this territory many cities of the state of Oguz was built, which further had trade-economical, political-strategic significance during the formation of Kazakh Khanate. Today it is necessary to investigate each of them, conducting comprehensive comparison of the results of archeological excavations and recorded database.

  Oguzes are the only tribe which formed Turk Khanate. In the 9th of century they migrated to the riverside of Syr, where their capital was Zhanakent. The wide spread of Islam around the world had its influence on states located in the territory of Kazakhstan and on its population. Part of population who lived in Zhanakent, Zhent, Sutkent and other cities were reverted to Muslims. Moreover, there were Christians and Buddhists among the population /2, 175/.

Approximately in the middle of the 10th century Oguzes had only a few cities such as Zhanakent, Zhent, and Zhuvare (Huvare). Later they built other cities like Sauran, Karashyk, Karnak, Syganak, and Sutkent. From the history it is known that in the 12th century there were built many other cities as Barshynkent. In the first quarter of the 13th century many other cities such as Uzkent, Ashnas were added to the list of Oguz’s cities.

In the famous dictionary of Mahmoud Kashkari “Tubi bir turki tili” he says: “Okuz – Zheikhun. All big rivers are called so. This word when used solely in Oguz language means “Banagyt-Dariya”. The cities of Oguzes were built near river, where its nomadic people lived. 

Many rivers located in the area, where Turk people lived, were also called Okuz. One city located between Ila and Yafynge rivers was called Iki okuz as well”/3, 13 p./

In this above mentioned book Oguz cities are listed as follows: Sabran (Sauran), Sitkun (Sutkent), Sughnak (Syganak) Karnak are Oguz cities, Karachuk is the second name of the city Farab.

Among this listed cities, there are diverse opinions about the history and meaning of the name of the city Syganak.

In Arab data there is an information that long before occupation of the Syrdariya river’s and Aral lake’s area Oguzes had big city called Old Guziya, which was capital city. Above mentioned Old Guziya must have been located on the west part of Tiyan-Shiyan, in area Karatau, which is located near Shu and Syrdariya rivers.

According to recorded data, Oguz had formed state between the end of 9th century and beginning of the 10th century.

It is obvious that any country has its own purpose while selecting capital city or moving capital elsewhere. The aim of Oguz rulers when choosing Zhanakent (New Guziya) as capital city and political center was the following: the geographical location of the city which bordered with big agricultural regions of Asia, Khorezm and Mauerenahr. As well as Zhanakent was located along the important trade road which goes through Kimak steppe to Sarysu, Kengir, Esil and Nura rivers area. Trade road which leads to Syganak and South Ural crossed this city.

The ruler Abilghazi Bahadur in his book called “Turkmen shezhiresi” says: “The closest countries to Turkmen were China, Kangkyly, Naiman. These countries conquered Turkmens. They left Ystyk kol, Almalyk, Sairam, Ulyktau, Kishitau, moving to low flow of Syr river. Their ruler lived in Iyanki Kent, while rest populated both parts of Syr river, where they lived almost ten centuries.” /1, 22 p./.

Al-Idrisi said: “Oguz have many cities, they are located from north to east”. One of those Oguz’s cities is Kumiyan. The meaning of the city is closely connected to the saying as “Thecityswallowedbythesand”, “The citydestroyed bysnake”.

Having deeply investigated the meaning of the cities Kumiyan and Sauran Koshym-Nogay B.S. concluded that the above mentioned cities were built as military fortificationof Oguz tribes /4, 130 p./.

Researcher investigated certain issue comprehensively reading original data, usually becomes witness of two sooths. First is clear sooth, and second is hidden sooth. Clear sooth is the undisputable truth which can be proved by data available in recorded database. Hidden sooth is the truth which has no clear data, but its existence can be proved by the historical event /5, 119 p./. Thus, for the reason that any historical evidence on the existence of Oguz’s city Kumiyan is unavailable, let’s look at the following extract from Abilghazi Bahadur’s book “Turkmen shezhiresi” on tribe’s name: “In the available historical data there is no name “Kumiyan”. However, it is undisputable this toponyme has more than thousand year history. By now none of historians, linguists, and archeologists had paid attention to this sacred black spot which is buried in the left side of the Syrdariya river. This is for the reason that is wasn’t recorded in database” /4, 120 p./.

However, later interest to this city arose and number of expeditions was organized and many investigations were conducted.

The first topographical map of this city was made by archeological expedition “Otyrar”. This city which captured attention of many scientists who conducted archeological excavations there, has a lot to tell us. The following information can be found in encyclopedias about this medieval city: “Kumiyan is a remainder of the city of 12-13th centuries. City is located in 30 km from the southern-west part of Kelintobe, around 3-4 kilometers from Syrdariya river’s bank. Kumiyan is a rectangularfortresscity. Its square is 210x180 m, height of some remained parts of fortress is 5-6 m, and thickness of walls is 3-3.5 m. Northern part of destroyed tower on both corners is 2.5 m high. If have a look at construction system of the fortress, we can see that there were five towers on each four sides. Distance between each towers is 35 m. City gate is on northern-east part. Around the fortress there is a trench with 8 m. thick, and 1.5-2 m deep. In the middle of the Kumiyan there is a citadel with 45x45 m in square. However, there is no footprint of any construction inside them. However, northern-west part of the corner it can be seen a small hill. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the city there were construction systems. Remaining of ceramic dishes, vasefor carryingwater collected from the city is well decorated. The bottomsofthedishes are round. Many of them have blue, brown decorative paintings over white angoba. The painting of dishes look like dishes found from eleventh cultural layer of Otyrar city. ” /6/.

Even, there are many issues related to archeological identification of some cities such as Zhankent, Zhend, Khora etc. near Aral, and which are well known as “Oguz cities” from medievalsources.

One of them is research of legend called “The city swallowed by snake” which is about capital city of Oguz - Zhankent. During the study about Oguz tribes populated Zhankent and its surrounded area, this legend, its content and personages, along with medieval sources has significance importance. Because the image of snake which killed inhabitants of Zhankent can be identified as Kai or Urankai tribes of Kypshak. Ethimology of ethnonym “Kai” and “Urankai” is acomprehensivelyexplained in the book of Akynzhanov S.A.

Oguzes who founded their statehood in the middle and low flow of Syr river lived nomadic and sedentary lifestyle. Al-Masudi geographer of the 10th century said in his book titled “Altyn shaiu orny men asyl tastar ken orny”: One part of Ghuz state is nomadic, other part is inhabitants of city, they are all Ghuz tribes. They are divided into three parts, namely higher, lower, middle /7, 118 p./. Oguzes who played great role in the history contained many tribes. When Kypshaks formed their state in Oguz steppe many tribes was one part of Kypshak Khanate. This is continuous historical process, because if one country conquered other country, part of tribes of conquered country were included in formed country, and conquered country took the name of formed country.

History is connected not only with people, but it also includes history of land–water. Therefore, investigating history of country along with history of land can surely lead to many advantages.


1.  Abilghazi (ruler of Hiua). Tukmen shezhiresi.// Zhalyn. №2, 1991. – 21 p.

2.  Jaxsybayev Zh. Ob etnogeneze naroda kazakskogo (About Ethnogenesis of the Kazakh People). – Pavlodar, EKO, 2011.-372 s.

3.  Mahmoud Kashkari. Tubi bir turik tili. –Almaty: “Ana tili”, 1993.

4.  Koshym-Nogay B. Til ushyndagy tarih (“Biraz soz kazaktyn tubi kaydan shykkany turaly ”). Almaty: Zhazushy, 2003. – 496 p.

5.  Koishyghara Salghara. Uly kaghanat. – Astana: Foliant, 2008. – 552 p.

6.  Kazak madenieti. Encyclopedia. Almaty: “Aruna Ltd.” LLP, 2005.

7.  al-Masudi. Les prairies d’or. – Paris. 1951. – p.212 // Salghara K. Atalgan enbek.

Қошымова А.О., Омарбеков Т.О., Арыстанбекова Қ.Д.

Оғыздардың территориялық орналасуы және қалалары

Абстракт –Қазақ халқы тарихында ғана емес, көптеген түркі халықтарының тарихында оғыздардың алар орны ерекше. Олардың байланысы тек этникалық жағынан емес, сондай-ақ территориялық жағынан да қиысады. Осыған байланысты мақалада оғыздардың орналасу территориясы, шекаралық аумағы, сонымен бірге Оғыз мемлекетінің қалалары сөз болады. Оның ішінде астанасы саналатын Жаңакент, Жент, және Сыр бойында орналасқан көптеген маңызы зор қалалар сөз болады. Сонымен қатар,  әлі күнге дейін сыры ашылмай келе жатқан Құмиян қаласының оғыздарға қатысы бар екені жөнінде де пікірлер айтылады. Автороғыздардың Қазақстан территориясында мекен ете отырып, кейінгі қазақ халқының, Қазақ хандығының қалыптасуында өзіндік із қалдырғанына жоғарыда аталып өткен қалалары да айғақ бола алатынына тоқталады.

Кошымова А.О., Омарбеков Т.О., Арыстанбекова К.Д.

Территориальное расположение и города огузов

АбстрактРоль огузов в истории тюркских народов и народов Казахстана очень важен. Важность взаимосвязи определяется не только по этническому положению, но и территориально. Поэтому в данной статье рассматривается территориальные, пограничные зоны огузов, а также города огузского государства. В том числе среди них есть такие города, как ставка огузов Жанакент, Жент и другие не менее важные города долины реки Сырдарьи. В статье также рассматривается вопрос о принадлежность города Кумиян огузам. Автор на основе исследования истории городов приходит к выводу, что огузы расселяя территорию Казахстана, сыграли важную роль в становлении казахского народа и Казахского ханства.

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