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Исследования молодых ученых

Abstract:The article presents the scythian age cemetery from Eger-Nagy Eged, North Hungary. On the territory of the burial ground were found 61 grave and other different sporadic finds. On the basis of thesematerials it is possible to identify four cultural groups, which are characterized by: 1 - ceramic with Late Bronze - Early Iron Age traditions; 2 - ceramics under the influence of Basarab-culture; 3 - Hallstatt pottery, weapons and ornaments; 4 - several aspects of Scythian period, like iron axes, snaffle, wheel-turned pottery and Cypraea shells. The presence of these four cultural groups allows for a fresh look at the problem of the researching of the early scythian age. As well as, issues related to the horizon so-called "Gyöngyös-Miskolc-Diósgyőr-Ártánd", which consists of the articles of Hallstattian type and founds of the Vekerzug-culture, datedto the end of the 7th c. BC. This horizon belongs to a large system of local and regional relations, behind which can be supposed the representativemilitary characters of the early iron age elite. Keywords: Early Scythian, Hallstattian type, Prescythian, Basarab, horse trappings, wheel-turned ceramic, relation system, Hungary
Аннотация В данной статье рассматривается основные этапы развития и становления туризма, начиная с античной эпохи до появления первой туристической фирмы. Кроме этого, в статье определены побудительные мотивации, которые способствовали развитию туризма. Annotation This paper considers main stages of development and formation of tourism, starting from the ancient era to the appearance of the first tourist firm. Besides current article determines major causing factors of the advance of tourism.